图书标签: 个人管理 精力管理 时间管理 self-management 自我管理 积极心理学 心理学 管理
The Power of Full Engagement pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
“Combines the gritty toughmindedness of the best coaches with the gentle-but-insistent inspiration of the most effective spiritual advisers” (Fast Company).
This groundbreaking New York Times bestseller has helped hundreds of thousands of people at work and at home balance stress and recovery and sustain high performance despite crushing workloads and 24/7 demands on their time.
We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully both on and off the job by laying out the key training principles and provides a powerful, step-by-step program that will help you to:
* Mobilize four key sources of energy
* Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal
* Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do
* Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals to make lasting changes
Above all, this book provides a life-changing road map to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job, meaning physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned.
Tony Schwartz is the President and CEO of The Energy Project, which helps individuals and organizations perform at their best. Tony's last book, The Power of Full Engagement, co-authored with Jim Loehr, was a Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller and has been translated into 28 languages. Tony's article "Manage Energy, Not Time: The Science of Stamina," co-authored with Catherine McCarthy, was published in the October, 2007 Harvard Business Review. Tony co-authored the #1 worldwide bestseller The Art of the Deal with Donald Trump and also wrote What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America.
整本书最后那个给自己的assessment很有帮助。 再次鼓励我每天早起
评分Endless anxiety still spreads forward. And the most important things are persistence, targeted goals, shouldering, action and higher efficiency.
评分Endless anxiety still spreads forward. And the most important things are persistence, targeted goals, shouldering, action and higher efficiency.
评分一本应该同The path of least resistence一起读的书
有启发性的一本书,核心观点: 1、四个方面的刚柔并济:身、情、思、精; 身:运动、饮食、呼吸、睡眠; 情:快乐、自制、同理、人际; 思:预见、积极对话、创造力、时间管理; 精:聪明、健康、幸福、平衡、勇气; 2、消耗-恢复平衡; 3、超...
评分1. 精力管理的核心思想:时间管理已经不再是可行的解决方案,管理精力,而非时间,才是高效(High Performance)、健康(health)、与快乐(Happiness)的根源。 2. 精力管理四原则: (1) 精力金字塔:从低到高四层——身体的、情感的、思想的、精神的 (2) 钟摆式运动:周...
评分4来源 1. 身体:为身体添柴加火 * 呼吸:感到紧张时长呼一口气 * * 焦虑和生气会明显地使呼吸变得急促,这对于处理眼前的威胁非常宝贵。但是,这种呼吸方式很快会减少我们得到的能量,削弱我们恢复思想上和感情上平衡的能力。结果可能是一个恶性循环 * 深呼吸不仅...
评分第一章 精力金字塔4层,钟摆式运动,突破舒适区 让人感到不适的任何形式的压力都有可能增加其精力储备,习惯成自然 工作和生活中任何一个高效率的部分都是习惯使然。 思维、情感和行为都对精力有影响。 如果每次你做什么事都不得不考虑它,你很可能不会坚持很长时间。现状就...
评分在这个世界上矛盾而又统一的事情常常让我觉得很有趣而回味不已。 比如说生与死。 与癌症做斗争的果子提到有位美国作家曾经说过:困在敌营中的战士,如果想突围出去,他必须兼具强烈的求生欲望及不怕死的感觉。也就是说,他不能仅仅是贪恋生命,否则就成了懦夫,无法脱逃。他...
The Power of Full Engagement pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025