图书标签: 方震華 五代史 历史 隋唐 海外中国研究 方震华 文武 感兴趣
Power Structures and Cultural Identities in Imperial China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The interaction between civil and military officials in imperial China is a crucial factor distinguishing Chinese civilization from other cultural traditions, but one that has not received enough attention from modern historians. Through exploring the evolution of civil and military power in China from the Tang to the Song dynasty, this book explains the formation of distinctive identities between civil and military officials in imperial China. The competition of political power is the primary factor producing tension and even hostility between the civil and military officials. To strengthen their own authority and sense of cultural superiority, Song literati stigmatized military men as immoral and ignorant. With this cultural bias, civil officials confronted military officials as potential rivals rather than colleagues, and this distrust became an unsolved dilemma for the Song government. For Scholars interested in the history of Chinese literati, military officials and political culture, this book provides a new viewpoint.
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评分本书是作者博士论文,旁征博引,引用较多典籍佐证,观点也都阐明出来; 文和武孰轻孰重在唐宋是绕不开,北宋重文轻武的大前提是想跟唐朝反着来,受过藩镇割据的影响,赵匡胤削弱武官权势,提拔文官也能理解,从而北宋文化达到历史高峰,但另一方面又因为重用文臣,在边疆受到制...
评分本书是作者博士论文,旁征博引,引用较多典籍佐证,观点也都阐明出来; 文和武孰轻孰重在唐宋是绕不开,北宋重文轻武的大前提是想跟唐朝反着来,受过藩镇割据的影响,赵匡胤削弱武官权势,提拔文官也能理解,从而北宋文化达到历史高峰,但另一方面又因为重用文臣,在边疆受到制...
Power Structures and Cultural Identities in Imperial China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025