图书标签: Bible 宗教 圣经 哲学 Religion Classic 宗教哲学 Holy
The Holy Bible pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Unique among pew Bibles, this editions's bold black typeface redefines the meaning of "easy-to-read." Senior citizens, people with vision difficulties, and beginning readers alike will appreciate the visible advantage of the Boldface Pew Bible. Constructed of high-quality materials, this Bible will give you years of faithful service. Choose from three pairs of classics colors that coordinate with any church sanctuary.
All go onto one place,all are of the dust,and all turn to dust again 听读的时候无数次想放弃,自己太弱了,理解不了,好希望有门课可以细致的讲解下。是什么支撑我把1189个音频听读完的呢?是强迫症,对,强迫症。这句话真是很好解释了听读的心情啊:We glory in tribulation also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience;and patience, experience ; and experience, hope. Amen
评分Judge not, that you be not judge (Matthew 7:1). For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). (I Corinthians 13:4-13). (Matthew 7:12). You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22: 36-40). (Exodus 20: 1-17). SY 9/7
评分Judge not, that you be not judge (Matthew 7:1). For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). (I Corinthians 13:4-13). (Matthew 7:12). You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22: 36-40). (Exodus 20: 1-17). SY 9/7
当人寻求解释世界而不得时,必归因于必然性,诸如绝对意志,上帝,客观规律等等。这固然不无道理。但是,从本源上看,世界归根结底是必然的产物,还是偶然的产品,实难于定论。 如果我说,在某日的一个无所事事的午后,上帝老人家刚吃了些果品点心之类,又饮了几杯啤酒...
评分关于“爱”,没有比此书里解释的更清的——哥林多前书13章。 下面是我的翻译和理解: 爱是恒久忍耐,和蔼恩慈——爱之心也; 爱是不嫉人有,不炫己多——爱之善也; 爱是无我施、无己求、无自见、无私利——爱之“四无”; 爱是拒绝诱惑、成就真理——爱之行也; 凡事包容——...
评分Chapter I:没有神 2周前,美国,安静美丽的小镇纽顿,桑迪胡克小学。20个六七岁的孩子倒在枪下,6位老师为了保护更多的孩子们而遇难。年仅20岁的凶手亚当兰扎,先在家中杀害了母亲,随后携枪闯入校园,枪火裹挟着子弹,恍如无数恶魔嘶吼着冲出地狱的牢笼。当警察闻讯...
评分 评分本文转自灵魂网,原作者Admin “信耶稣”三个字,是我们常听的,也是我们常说的。我们信耶稣,并且劝别人也信耶稣。到底信耶稣是什么意思呢?什么叫做信耶稣呢? 圣经约翰福音第一章第十二节,就是答覆这个问题:“凡接待他(耶稣)的,就是信他名的人...
The Holy Bible pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025