圖書標籤: 設計 工業設計 frogdesign 商業 創新 用戶體驗 design 思維
A Fine Line pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
praise for a fine line "A breath of turbo-charged fresh air that doesn't regurgitate the ego-maniac CEO's selective memory or an outside expert's misinterpretations. Hartmut explains innovation through the lens of design, and it's about time we gained his valuable perspective." --Guy Kawasaki, former chief evangelist, Apple and co-founder of Alltop.com "At Flextronics, we fell in love with Hartmut and frog, and their passion for bringing crazy great designs and design processes into the forefront of great product companies. We used their expertise to help our customers, many of the greatest product companies in the world, including Apple, HP, Cisco, Microsoft and others. It is a credit to Hartmut that in the midst of a shocking global recession, frog still sets quarterly revenue records. Theirs is a unique and fascinating story." --Michael Marks, partner, Riverwood Capital LLC and former CEO, Flextronics "Hartmut's new approach to design is felt in every room in every house in every country and in every business around the world. He proved that thoughtful design is not only good for people but is good for business--and that both are interlinked. I have been fortunate to have observed first hand his impact at Sony, Apple, and HP?and have learned so much from him. He is an unsung hero of our times A Fine Line is a must-read for designers and business people alike." --Satjiv Chahil, senior vice president, Hewlett-Packard "A fascinating, breathtaking, and exemplary insight into a success story that never had so much topicality, and so much informative potential as just now. Esslinger offers an honest and encouraging portrait of the incredible power of the business and design alliance. A Fine Line is a handbook of design expertise and the art of business at its best, showing a variety of radical solutions and fresh new ideas." --Professor Dr Peter Zec, president, ICSID and founder, red dot awards
哈特穆特•艾斯林格(Hartmut Esslinger)
◆艾斯林格是全球知名企業背後的品牌打造大師,為蘋果、微軟、IBM、西門子、索尼、戴爾、通用、惠普、摩托羅拉、雅虎、思愛普、美國電話電報公司、太陽計算機係統公司、花旗 集團、迪士尼、柯達、LV、阿迪達斯、宏碁、Swatch以及本田等成功創造瞭暢銷而經典的産品。
◆艾斯林格開創瞭蘋果“白雪”設計語言,催生瞭蘋果II 計算機係列,這一設計獲得瞭1984年《時代周刊》年度設計奬。
為給作者翻譯講座而讀的背景資料 喜歡這種深夜讀書的感覺 書很有趣,大師的人生很豐富
評分作者 Hartmut Esslinger 是 frog 的創始人,喬布斯背後的男人之一,著名的「Snow White」設計概念提齣者,Esslinger 和喬布斯頗有幾分神似,不然也不會一拍即閤幾十年,本書介紹瞭作者創立 frog 40多年的創業經曆,描繪瞭作者眼中工業設計中「設計驅動」的戰略價值(frog 這四個字母需要小寫,就是為瞭體現其反叛的自由意誌)
評分不怎麼樣,排版看的眼睛疼。不是很喜歡這種一個勁講自己故事的風格,完全沒有藉鑒意義。起碼比《Confessions of an Advertising Man》難讀。棄。
評分為給作者翻譯講座而讀的背景資料 喜歡這種深夜讀書的感覺 書很有趣,大師的人生很豐富
評分作者 Hartmut Esslinger 是 frog 的創始人,喬布斯背後的男人之一,著名的「Snow White」設計概念提齣者,Esslinger 和喬布斯頗有幾分神似,不然也不會一拍即閤幾十年,本書介紹瞭作者創立 frog 40多年的創業經曆,描繪瞭作者眼中工業設計中「設計驅動」的戰略價值(frog 這四個字母需要小寫,就是為瞭體現其反叛的自由意誌)
評分我其实完全不太懂技术,我做金融的,主要是我爱人在看,连着看了几个晚上了。今天早上翻了一下,刚好看到第二章。 很多公司的领导者甚至无法认识到一个简单的事实——一个公司今天所取得的成功来自于其领导层过去所做的正确决策。 想要取得长期的、可持续的成功,要求有强有力...
評分曾经读过杨明洁的类似题材的书,大概叫以产品设计为核心的企业OOXX策略云云,而这本副标题叫设计策略如何改变未来商业的E文书,无疑更给了我今距离研究今日企业设计的机会。 杨的书更像是自己和自己公司的广告,其功利性用脚后跟也能看出来,但华丽题目和洋洋洒洒案例的背后却...
評分曾经读过杨明洁的类似题材的书,大概叫以产品设计为核心的企业OOXX策略云云,而这本副标题叫设计策略如何改变未来商业的E文书,无疑更给了我今距离研究今日企业设计的机会。 杨的书更像是自己和自己公司的广告,其功利性用脚后跟也能看出来,但华丽题目和洋洋洒洒案例的背后却...
評分1 本书讲的层次都很高,涉及到公司的各种战略。这也是作为公司创始人的角度来写。主要是设计和商业完美结合。 2 内容有企业应该注重长远的创新和设计,而不是近期的财务表现、从产品最初就考虑环境、智慧外包、开源来实现共同设计等。 3 书中将这些主题的时候,会结合青蛙公司...
A Fine Line pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025