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Myth of Sisyphus pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are. Inspired by the myth of a man condemned to ceaselessly push a rock up a mountain and watch it roll back to the valley below, The Myth of Sisyphus transformed twentieth-century philosophy with its impassioned argument for the value of life in a world without religious meaning.
Albert Camus (1913-1960) was a representative of non-metropolitan French literature.
評分It is true that the universe is essentially incomprehensible to human being. The co-existence of the world and conscious people lead to the feeling of absurdity. An absurd man lives in the present and is not bound by the so-called general morality. He's free to act according to his wish alone.But the link between happiness and absurdity is tenuous.
“与世界不分离。 把生命置于阳光之中,一生中就不会一事无成。 不管处在何种境地,遇到何种不幸与失望, 我的所有努力便是重新去寻找接触。 在我亲身体验到的这种悲哀之中, 爱, 是难以表达的意愿。 即使看到的仅仅是夜幕中的一座丘陵, ...
評分与其说书评不如说整理出的读书笔记。 P11、 “真正严肃的哲学问题只有一个:自杀。判断生活是否值得过,这本身就是在回答哲学的根本问题。 ” P13、 “自杀,就是认可,就是承认被生活超越或是承认人们并不理解生活。” “自杀只不过是承认生活并不“值得”。诚然,活着从来...
評分我们到底在反抗什么? ——简评《西西弗斯的神话》 牧师:难道出卖耶稣不应该收到惩罚吗? 周星星:如果犹太不出卖耶稣,耶稣就不会升天;如果耶稣不升天,那么你就没有十字架戴。所以说,犹太帮...
評分人,只是人 2007年4月30日夜,加缪哲学随笔集《西西弗的神话》,最终章《世界是我们最初和最后的爱》。读完的时候,时钟刚刚指向零点。其时,从遥远的海平线上,有长风穿过恐怖的狂涛、穿过弥漫着细雨氤氲着湿气的湾子、穿过这两座突立的高厦的每一扇打开的窗户,吹将过来。 五...
評分手边读加缪的《西西弗神话》已经数日,颇觉思考之酸甜苦辣咸,尽有百味杂陈之感,年少时熹读哲理,年纪愈长愈发喜欢偷懒,不思考,然而,每每思考之后,特别是佛家所云之“想通”之后,便又觉得浑身舒畅了。 如加缪所写西西弗那般因被神惩罚而推动那永远都会滚下山的巨石这种...
Myth of Sisyphus pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025