图书标签: 学习 方法论 学习方法 心理学 Learning 思维 教育 记忆
Make It Stick pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
To most of us, learning something "the hard way" implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use strategies that make learning easier. Make It Stick turns fashionable ideas like these on their head. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners.
Memory plays a central role in our ability to carry out complex cognitive tasks, such as applying knowledge to problems never before encountered and drawing inferences from facts already known. New insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved have led to a better understanding of how we learn. Grappling with the impediments that make learning challenging leads both to more complex mastery and better retention of what was learned.
Many common study habits and practice routines turn out to be counterproductive. Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has set in, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another. Speaking most urgently to students, teachers, trainers, and athletes, Make It Stick will appeal to all those interested in the challenge of lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Peter C. Brown is a writer and novelist in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Henry L. Roediger III is James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis.
Mark A. McDaniel is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education (CIRCLE) at Washington University in St. Louis.
一、学习方法(耗费心血的学习才是深层的) 1、检索练习 (1)测试检索: 适用范围:事实、复杂概念、解决问题的技巧 WHY:通过测试,检验自己不会什么,学到了什么;并且巩固了已学知识。 HOW:填空、简答、写短文。找出不足后及时反馈改错。 效果:写短文>简答>填空 解释...
评分作者简介 [美]彼得·C.布朗 作家,擅长科普写作,文字练达严谨。 [美]亨利·L.罗迪格三世 华盛顿大学路易斯分校心理学教授,曾任美国心理科学学会主席,人类学习和记忆领域专家。因在错误记忆心理方面的工作而声名鹊起。 [美]马克·A.麦克丹尼尔 华盛顿大学路易斯分校心理学教...
评分今年年初的时候在Coursera上面参加了一个叫 Learning How to Learn 的课程,上完之后脑洞大开,还感叹为什么在学校里没有人教这样的课。 后面又看了课程讲师 Barbara Oakley 推荐一些相关的书,其中一本就是 make to stick。 这是一本由专业人士写给大众的书,非常通俗易懂...
评分本书提到的重要学习策略我总结为:学而时习之。 学(提取练习:识别、关联和总结)而时(间隔)习(阐释)之。 有效持久的学习要求 1. 我们必须通过重新编码和巩固新材料来牢固地锚定它们,从而把短期记忆转变为长期记忆 2. 我们必须用一组多样的线索与材料联系起来,从而...
评分这个特别的春节,我闷头在家看电影和读书。 在表妹的书架深处顺走一本《认知天性》,此书用词晦涩,读之十分乏味,读着读着就串神了,几度想要放弃,但本书偏偏就是为解决这个情况而写的,它说的是当你在学习中遇到困难,如何高效的学进去并记得住? 我过去的经验是强迫自己看...
Make It Stick pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025