图书标签: 德里达 保罗•策兰 理论 法国 政治哲学 Religion(s) Philosophy
Sovereignties in Question pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Contents Shibboleth: For Paul Celan A Self-Unsealing Poetic Text: Poetics and Politics of Witnessing Language Does Not Belong: An Interview The Majesty of the Present: Reading Celan's The MeridianRams: Uninterrupted Dialogue-between Two Infinities, the PoemThis book brings together five powerful encounters. Themes central to all ofDerrida's writings thread the intense confrontation between the most famousphilosopher of our time and the Jewish poet writing in German who, perhapsmore powerfully than any other, has testified to the European experience ofthe twentieth century.They include the date or signature and its singularity; the notion of the trace;temporal structures of futurity and the to come; the multiplicity of languageand questions of translation; such speech acts as testimony and promising, butalso lying and perjury; the possibility of the impossible; and, above all, the questionof the poem as addressed and destined beyond knowledge, seeking to speak toand for the irreducibly other.The memory of encounters with thinkers who have also engaged Celan's workanimates these writings, which include a brilliant dialogue between twointerpretative modes-hermeneutics and deconstruction. Derrida's approach toa poem is a revelation on many levels, from the most concrete ways of reading-for example, his analysis of a sequence of personal pronouns-to the mostsweeping imperatives of human existence (and Derrida's writings are alwaysa study in the imbrication of such levels). Above all, he voices the call toresponsibility in the ultimate line of Celan's poem: The world is gone,I must carry you,which sounds throughout the book's final essay like a refrain. Only two of the texts in this volume do not appear here in English for the first time. Of these, Schibboleth has been entirely retranslated and has been set following Derrida's own instructions for publication in French; A Self-Unsealing Poetic Textwas substantially rewritten by Derrida himself and basically appears here as the translation of a new text. Jacques Derrida's most recent books in English translation include Counterpath: Traveling with Jacques Derrida (with Catherine Malabou). He died in Paris on October 8, 2004. Thomas Dutoit teaches at the Universit de Paris 7. He translated Aporias and edited On the Name, both by Jacques Derrida.
评分整整用了两周时间细读完,大概只读懂了五六成。不禁感叹读德里达要做的准备工作太多了。以倒数第二篇跟伽达默尔对话的文章《公羊——永不停止的对话》为例,要熟悉伽达默尔和德里达各自的学说及其一系列对话和交锋还有策兰自不待说,文末还依次进入了弗洛伊德、胡塞尔、海德格尔,此外还时不时穿插着笛卡尔、康德、黑格尔、荷尔德林,只为解释一句“Die Welt ist fort, ich muß dish tragen”。对策兰这首诗的诸多纵横捭阖的精妙阐释令人叹为观止。
Sovereignties in Question pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025