Never Eat Alone pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

Never Eat Alone

Keith Ferrazzi
Doubleday Business
GBP 19.99

图书标签: 人际关系  职场  networking  人脉  business  商业  人生  生活   

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Book Description

YaYa CEO Ferrazzi works with "Inc." writer Raz to explain the guiding principles he has mastered over a lifetime of reaching out to explain what it takes to build the kind of lasting, mutually beneficial relationships that lead to professional and personal success.

From Publishers Weekly

The youngest partner in Deloitte Consulting's history and founder of the consulting company Ferrazzi Greenlight, the author quickly aims in this useful volume to distinguish his networking techniques from generic handshakes and business cards tossed like confetti. At conferences, Ferrazzi practices what he calls the "deep bump" - a "fast and meaningful" slice of intimacy that reveals his uniqueness to interlocutors and quickly forges the kind of emotional connection through which trust, and lots of business, can soon follow. That bump distinguishes this book from so many others that stress networking; writing with Fortune Small Business editor Raz, Ferrazzi creates a real relationship with readers. Ferrazzi may overstate his case somewhat when he says, "People who instinctively establish a strong network of relationships have always created great businesses," but his clear and well-articulated steps for getting access, getting close and staying close make for a substantial leg up. Each of 31 short chapters highlights a specific technique or concept, from "Warming the Cold Call" and "Managing the Gatekeeper" to following up, making small talk, "pinging" (or sending "quick, casual" greetings) and defining oneself to the point where one's missives become "the e-mail you always read because of who it's from." In addition to variations on the theme of hard work, Ferrazzi offers counterintuitive perspectives that ring true: "vulnerability... is one of the most underappreciated assets in business today"; "too many people confuse secrecy with importance." No one will confuse this book with its competitors.

From Booklist

Ferrazzi grew up in rural Pennsylvania, the son of a steelworker and a cleaning lady, yet his ability to connect with others led to a scholarship at Yale, a Harvard MBA, and a prestigious partnership at Deloitte Consulting. His skills at creating and maintaining a network of contacts are nothing short of those of a serious presidential contender. All business hopefuls seek to enter a sphere of players more powerful than themselves, and Ferrazzi says that sometimes all it takes is asking. The book is dense with suggestions. Seek out mentors to guide you and introduce you to the people you need to know and then become a mentor yourself. Use your initial conversation to show the other person what you have to offer them, and never keep score. Make others feel important by remembering their names and birthdays. And don't be afraid to open up and show vulnerability--it's a great icebreaker. Ferrazzi presents a whirlwind of ideas to widen your circle of contacts that goes way beyond the usual stale concepts of "networking."

                                 David Siegfried

Book Dimension

length: (cm)23.4                 width:(cm)16



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法拉奇绿讯营销咨询顾问公司的创建者和首席执行官,还是 《INC.》、《华尔街日报》及《哈佛商业评论》专栏作家。他先前曾担任过德勤顾问公司和喜达屋国际酒店集团的市场总监,还担任过好莱坞著名知名媒体营销公司——YaYa Media的首席执行官,现居住于洛杉矶和纽约。


《小型商业财富》的一名编辑,为《INC》、 《耶路撒冷邮报》、《旧金山纪事报》和《GQW》供稿,现居住于纽约。


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What a fantastic book! Really inspring and fun...A little shocked to find that I had been using those strategies.


What a fantastic book! Really inspring and fun...A little shocked to find that I had been using those strategies.




一本很实用很神奇的书。我边读边照着书上操作。为EWB集资到近3k刀。还有昨天去参加晚宴 竟然被客户(女的!)提出一起吃午饭,老板说去吧去吧,吃多少都给你报账。我也有自己的客户budget了木哈哈哈





C1 要有自己的圈子 职业生涯的每一个阶段,都寻找周围最成功的人并寻求帮助和指导 真正的“关系“是想办法让其他人更成功,“付出”而不是“索取” 没有人可以孤军奋战,自己可以成为圈子的中心 C2 慷慨才是硬通货 热情把你的关系介绍给其他人,才能聚集成关系网 关系像肌肉,...  


我们大部分人已经知道,在这个世界上任何两个人之间只需要通过六个中间人就可以互相认识。这是怎样实现的? Because some of those people know many, many more people than the rest of us. 这本书就是教你成为这种super-connectors(超级交际枢纽)。 本书作者...  




在google或百度上输入“Never eat alone”,会看到许多人在搜寻、打听哪里能找到这本美国2005年出版的英文书,还可以看到热心人翻译出来的片段。 现在,这本书的中文版已经出版了:《别独自用餐》,施光宇译。(此前台湾还出过一种中文版。) 作者基思•法拉奇(...  

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