图书标签: 后现代 Barthelme,Donald 美国 后现代小说 解构 小说 America 颠覆
Snow White pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Then i took off y shirt and called Paul, because we were planning to break into his apartment, and if he was there, we could not do so. if he was there we would be recognized, he would know who we were, and that we were carrying his typewriter out into the street to sell it. he would know everything about us: how we made our living, what girls we liked, where we kept the vats.
Paul did not answer so it was not necessary to ask if Anna was there- the prepared name we were going to ask for.
page 13
住在童话城堡的白雪公主 《白雪公主》是格林童话中最美丽的故事之一,我们喜爱它:纯洁美丽的公主被邪恶后母迫害,在猎人的帮助下逃进森林,在森林深处遇到善良的七个小矮人,虽然误食后母的毒苹果但被白马王子拯救,有情人终成眷属,恶毒王后遭受惩罚。这善有善报恶有恶报的说...
评分 评分 评分格林童话中的白雪公主不再纯洁、善良、高踞神坛,七个小矮人变得自私、阴郁、丑陋、胆小、懦弱,这已经不是我们记忆中的经典童话,这只是《巴塞尔姆的白雪公主》——后现代主义大师巴塞尔姆的代表作。 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆,是美国最富有影响力的后现代主义小...
评分小时候读童话,读到王子公主幸福地生活在一起,才愿意合上书页,心满意足地离开。当时年幼,自然不会细想太多,无论过程多么曲折惊险,有了happy ending的保证,故事便有了意义。随着年龄的上升,有机会接触到了不同的故事版本,对于白雪公主的故事,更是百听不腻。无论是最初...
Snow White pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025