Part 01 瑜伽概論——傾聽遠古的瑜伽之聲 Introduction——listening to the ancient voice of yoga 一、什麼是瑜伽 What's yoga 二、瑜伽的起源與發展 The source&development of yoga 三、瑜伽的分類 The classification of yoga 四、什麼是瑜伽體位法 What's yoga asana 五、瑜伽體位法的起源與發展 The source & development of yoga asana 六、瑜伽體位法的功效 The efficacy of yoga asanaPart 02 練習須知——科學嚴謹的瑜伽之美 Exercising notices——dgorous&scientific 一、瑜伽安全手冊——體位法練習須知 Yoga safety manual——asana-practising notices 二、課程編排原理——全麵和漸進兼顧 Yoga courses arrangement——comprehensive & progressive 三、瑜伽的飲食觀——戒律與營養並重 Yoga diet——commandment&nutritionPart 03 預備課程——進入神秘的瑜伽世界 Preparation——entering into the mystenous yoga world 一、十種瑜伽坐姿 Ten kinds ofyoga sitting poses 二、八種瑜伽手印 Eight kinds of yoga fingerprints 三、三種瑜伽呼吸法 Three kinds of voga breathPart 04 初級體位——快速入門的瑜伽體驗 Primary asana——yoga experience of quick start 初級拜日式(Primary salutetothe sun) 頸部練習(Neck exercises) 肩部環繞(Shoulder enarclement) 膝部練習(Knee exerdse) 蝴蝶功(The butterfly exercise) 半脊柱扭動式(Half twisting the ridge) 扭脊式(Spine-twisting pose) 動物放鬆功(Animal-relaxing pose) 單腿背部伸展式(Back extention with one leg's genuflection) 磨豆功(Bean Pulverising pose) 盤坐伸展式(Hunkering & Stretching pose) 坐山式(Sitting-at-moutain pose) 迴望式(Thetorsotwisttoestouch) 半艦式(Halfship pose) 摩天式(Skyscraper pose) 幻椅式(Imaginary chair pose) 鏟鬥式(Bucket pose) 樹式(Tree pose) 平衡式(Balance pose) 掃地式(Floor-sweeping pose) 腰軀轉動式(Waist-turning pose) 三角伸展式(Triangle stretch) 戰士一式(Warrior pose I) 戰士二式(Warrior pose II) 雙角式(Dual-angle pose) 乾坤扭轉式(Bigturn pose) 貓式(Cat pose) 虎式(Tiger pose) 兔式(Rabbit pose) 頂峰式(Summit pose) 門閂式(Bolt pose) 後腰預備功(Rearwvaist preparation) 英雄式(Hero pose) 蹲式(Squat pose) 放氣式(Deflation pose) 敬禮式(Salute pose) 花環式(Wreath pose) 鴨行式(Duckwalk) 人麵獅身式(Sphinx pose) 眼鏡蛇式(Cobra pose) 半蝗蟲一式(Half locust pose I) 半蝗蟲二式(Half locust pose II) 全蝗蟲式(Locust pose) 單手弓式(Single hand bow pose) 抱膝壓腹式(Pressing abdomen with hugging knees) 船式(Boat pose) 上伸腿式(Upwards extending leg pose) 步步蓮花(Bicycle-riding pose) 仰臥扭脊式(Twisting with supine) 魚式(Fish pose) 搖擺式(Rock and roll) 橋式(Bridge pose)Part 05 中級體位——感受真正的瑜伽魅力 Intermediate asana——feeling the charm of yoga 加強扭脊式(Strengthening the ridge-twisting) 盤坐轉體式(Turning with sitting cross—legged) 牛麵式(Oxfacepose) 聖哲瑪裏琪二式(Marichi pose II) 鴿子式(Pigeon pose) 射箭式(Toxophily pose) 前伸展(Stretching forward) 雙手支撐全蓮花式(Lotus pose with hands supporting) 公雞式(Cock pose) 神猴哈努曼式(Hanuman pose) 半月式(Halfmoon pose) 鴕鳥式(Ostrich pose) 側腿平衡式(Balance with side leg stretching) 鳥王式(Bird king pose) 戰士三式(Warrior pose III) 新月式(A crescentmoon) 增延脊柱伸展式(Spine-extending further pose) 頂禮式(Salute pose) 俯身頭觸腳式(Bending down to touch the feet) 舞者式(Dancerpose) 舞王式(Dance king pose) 加強側伸展式(Strengthening lateral stretch pose) 半駱駝式(Half Camel pose) 榻式(Coach pose) 門閂加強式(Strengthening bolt pose) 飛烏式(Flying bird pose) 臥英雄式(Hero lying pose) 弓式(Bow pose) 單腿{[pill-扭脊式(Single leg twisting the ridge with supine) 犁式(Plough pose) 肩倒立式(Shoulderstand pose) 輪式(Wheel pose) 單腿橋式(Single leg bridge pose)Part 06 高級體位——挑戰自我的瑜伽進階 Advanced asana——challenging yourseff for further state 獅子式(Lion pose) 閉蓮式(Closed lotus pose) 雙腿背部扭麯式(Back twisting with legs straightened) 束角式(Sitting with feet-catching pose) 雙蓮花魚式(Double lotus fish pose) 麵朝上背部伸展式(Back extention with facing up) 龜式(Tortoise pose) 全蝙蝠式(Thewhole bat pose) 坐角式(Foot-sitting Pose) 射手式(Archer pose) 鴿王式(Pigeon king pose) 三角轉動式(Triangle turning pose) 頭入雙腳式(Upright Bending) 單腿站立伸展式(Stretching with single leg standing) 單腿脊柱前屈伸展式(Proneness with single leg standing) 袋鼠式(Kangaroo pose) 全舞王式(Dancer king pose) 單腿輪式(Wheel pose with single leg supporting) 趾尖式(Tiptoe pose) 馬麵式(Horseface pose) 全駱駝式(Camel pose) 頭倒立式(Headstand pose) 蠍子式(Scorpion pose) 起重機式(Crane pose) 雙手蛇式(Snake pose) 側烏鴉式(Side crow pose) 側手抓腳式(Side foot-clutching pose) 四肢撐地式(Limbs standing on the ground) 雲雀式(Larkpose) 蛙式(Frog pose) 蛇王式(Snake king pose) 反手蝗蟲式(Backhand locust pose) 無支撐肩倒立式(Shouldemtand pose without support)附錄:“憑海聽風”明星教練們的瑜伽交流活動
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