圖書標籤: 哲學 Stoic 成長 stoicism 斯多葛 philosophy 認知訓練 英文原版
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Reading the book, I had no trouble understanding how negative visualization could be an effective antidote against "hedonic adaptation." By imagining ourselves to be homeless, for instance, we can reset our desire for a more luxurious home and once again appreciate the roof over our head that we started taking for granted shortly after moving in.
Irvine, a professor of philosophy at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, writes that Stoicism was one of many competing philosophies (such as the Cynics and the Epicureans) that ran schools to teach a "philosophy of life" to students in ancient Greece and Rome. The Stoics were interested in leading a life of "tranquility," meaning a life free of "anger, anxiety, fear, grief, and envy." To achieve such a life the Stoics developed, in the words of historian Paul Veyne, a "paradoxical recipe for happiness," that included the practice of "negative visualization." By frequently and vividly imagining worst-case scenarios -- the death of a child, financial catastrophe, ruined health -- the Stoics believed you would learn to appreciate what you have, and curb your insatiable appetite for more material goods, social status, and other objects of desire.
評分比較囉嗦。Stoics就是幾個原則:1. 內化(internalize)個人目標。不以物喜不以己悲 2. 多做negative visualization,切身想一下最壞的情況,居安思危。3. 以上兩點都是為瞭獲得內心的平靜。(tranquility)
評分這是一本以現代人的觀點詮釋斯多葛哲學的書 其實不是很有新意,畢竟跟佛傢道傢也有很多共同點 現在的詞典,stoic 都會有一個“禁欲主義者”的語義 讀完這本書纔知道其實這個解釋其實很有誤導性,像犬儒或者原始的佛教那種纔是真正的禁欲主義者吧 …… 藉用某個開蘭博基尼的推薦這本書的網紅程序員的說法:我可以擁有蘭博基尼,但是失去它也不會對我的 tranquility 有什麼影響 這種纔是 stoic
評分後麵太囉嗦。也許是minimalism的始祖?預設價值是人應該追求tranquility,然後談瞭negative visualisation等幾個方法。消減瞭很多激烈情緒和欲望後,的確是和buddhism很像瞭,但也能感覺到christianity的影子,在倒數第三章的確談到瞭二者的聯係。因為相信有個god,我們的預設意義與價值就不必要隨著本性放逐,而是要剋服要逆嚮作為,為一個更高的預設價值努力
梦、现实与哲学 评《生命安宁》 我们人类真是个奇怪的动物啊,虽然是活在现实的生活与世界中,但经常会把梦作为寄托、慰藉或者动力。心情舒畅、喜悦的时候做美梦,情绪不好、糟糕的时候做恶梦,即便是平平淡淡的时候也经常有白日梦。哲学就是从现实延伸到梦里的一个工具,它帮...
評分 評分《生命安宁》讲述了如何运用有2000多年历史的斯多葛哲学过上安宁、幸福的生活,这里的关键词是“运用”,这不是一门只能看、辩论、研究的哲学,而是有实实在在的指导方法,帮助我们面对复杂多变的生活。 全书分成四大部分,第一部分循例讲了斯多葛哲学的诞生和发展;第二部分便...
A Guide to the Good Life pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024