图书标签: 宋美龄 传记 民国 biography 歷史 英文原版 英文 历史
The Last Empress pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
With the beautiful, powerful, and sexy Madame Chiang Kai-shek at the center of one of the great dramas of the twentieth century, this is the story of the founding of modern China, starting with a revolution that swept away more than 2,000 years of monarchy, followed by World War II, and ending in the eventual loss to the Communists and exile in Taiwan. An epic historical tapestry, this wonderfully wrought narrative brings to life what Americans should know about China -- the superpower we are inextricably linked with -- the way its people think and their code of behavior, both vastly different from our own. The story revolves around this fascinating woman and her family: her father, a peasant who raised himself into Shanghai society and sent his daughters to college in America in a day when Chinese women were kept purposefully uneducated; her mother, an unlikely Methodist from the Mandarin class; her husband, a military leader and dogmatic warlord; her sisters, one marriedto Sun Yat-sen, the George Washington of China, the other to a seventy-fifth lineal descendant of Confucius; and her older brother, a financial genius. This was the Soong family, which, along with their partners in marriage, was largely responsible for dragging China into the twentieth century. Brilliantly narrated, this fierce and bloody drama also includes U.S. Army General Joseph Stilwell; Claire Chennault, head of the Flying Tigers; Communist leaders Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai; murderous warlords; journalists Henry Luce, Theodore White, and Edgar Snow; and the unfortunate State Department officials who would be purged for predicting (correctly) the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War. As the representative of an Eastern ally in the West, Madame Chiang was befriended -- before being rejected -- by the Roosevelts, stayed in the White House for long periods during World War II, and charmed the U.S. Congress into giving China billions of dollars. Although she was dubbed the Dragon Lady in some quarters, she was an icon to her people and is certainly one of the most remarkable women of the twentieth century.
215元 wopaila.com
评分“美龄小姐喜欢梧桐 要把南京城都种上法国梧桐”
评分215元 wopaila.com
评分215元 wopaila.com
评分我认为此书可以直接替代中学近现代史教科书。 太好了!! 不 足之处也有,由于是翻译语言所以难免有些细节拖沓繁重。 一个理性的外国友人。给我们展现出我们曾爷爷辈的生活。全书看完,贯穿只有一个思想,就像封面一样,孱弱的炎黄子孙。。。。弱弱弱...
评分大家都知道宋氏三姐妹在中国历史舞台上的地位,尤其是宋美龄,民国第一夫人,集美貌、权力、财富荣誉于一身。 她通晓七国语言,英语水平更是令一些美国本土人都自愧不如,有着极强的外交能力,蒋介石对她的评价是:“夫人的能力抵得上20个军师”。 宋美龄的人生高光时刻便是194...
评分本来是冲着书商在本书(英文原名《末代皇后》)(中文版)上面印的所谓美国老政客基辛格的评价(本传记是宋美龄的盖棺论定权威之著)以及当当网商品广告页面所谓“绝密资料首度曝光”的说法买下的,结果发现书里好像几乎没有关于传主宋美龄的新论! 作者好像只是几宋美龄的主...
The Last Empress pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025