圖書標籤: 法國文學 Gide .安德烈·紀德Gide 小說 愛情 宗教 20初 英文
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A delicate boy growing up in Paris, Jerome Palissier spends many summers at his uncle's house in the Normandy countryside, where the whole world seems 'steeped in azure'. There he falls deeply in love with his cousin Alissa and she with him. But gradually Alissa becomes convinced that Jerome's love for her is endangering his soul. In the interests of his salvation, she decides to suppress everything that is beautiful in herself - in both mind and body. A devastating exploration of aestheticism taken to extremes, "Strait is the Gate" is a novel of haunting beauty that stimulates the mind and the emotions.
譯者桂裕芳(1930- ),湖北武漢人。北京大學法語係教授,著名翻譯傢。獲法國教育部頒發的教育勛章。譯著主要有:普魯斯特《追憶似水年華》(第二捲)、雨果《九三年》、薩特《嘔吐》、布托《變》、莫裏亞剋《愛的荒漠》等。
評分The story is so real to me....
評分Narrated in a truthful way that flows really well. Although story line is simple, the characters are portrayed well and their emotional paths poignant. There's a shade of melancholy coating every scene throughout. It makes a good read.
評分Where there should be happiness and love there is despair and death. Religious devotion that causes people to become martyrs and lose out on happiness because it is somehow sinful to enjoy life.Want to read the French version. Gide, you are a freaking genius!!!
評分What are you waiting for to marry? –To have forgotten a great many things. Which you are hoping to forget soon? –Which I do not hope ever to forget. ...the air was saturated with autumn... "Le meilleur moment des amours n'est pas quand on dit: je t'aime..."戀愛中最好的時期,並非當你說: 我愛你……
《窄门》是一本伤感的书,从头至尾都是伤感,少孤早独的热罗姆和母亲与人私奔的表姐阿丽莎,自幼青梅竹马,随着年龄的增加,感情愈发深厚,但,最终却不能结合。 “你们要努力进窄门”《路德福音》里的一句话,表达着宗教信仰里的严肃性、认真性和艰辛性。但,这句话却使...
評分 評分法国文学有个特点,总是在探寻“幸福到底是什么”。比如普鲁斯特穷尽一生得出结论“幸福就是点点滴滴的回忆”。 法国作家纪德笔下的文学作品是完全对立与分裂的,不过两条截然不同的道路最后还是通向了一个顶点——幸福。 《背德者》《窄门》《田园交响曲》是法国作...
評分生活每天吹它 假如让两个人分开的一切阻力都没有出现,甚至,一切的情况都朝着希望两个人在一起的方向努力,那么,最终,那两个人因何没有一起? 纪德《窄门》中的热罗姆与阿莉莎终于没能在一起。 阿莉莎最终死去,但死亡也不是他们不能在一起的缘由。 那...
評分生活每天吹它 假如让两个人分开的一切阻力都没有出现,甚至,一切的情况都朝着希望两个人在一起的方向努力,那么,最终,那两个人因何没有一起? 纪德《窄门》中的热罗姆与阿莉莎终于没能在一起。 阿莉莎最终死去,但死亡也不是他们不能在一起的缘由。 那...
Strait is the Gate pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025