圖書標籤: 外國文學 逼自己讀完。。。 文學 小說 英文原版 肯·福萊特 我讀的書 懸疑小說
World Without End pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Ken Follett has 90 million readers worldwide. The Pillars of the Earth is his bestselling book of all time. Now, eighteen years after the publication of The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett has written the most-anticipated sequel of the year, World Without End.
In 1989 Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed--"it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you" (Chicago Tribune)--and readers everywhere hoped for a sequel.
World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroad of new ideas--about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race--the Black Death.
Three years in the writing, and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor, World Without End breathes new life into the epic historical novel and once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.
肯•福萊特(Ken Follett,1949-)
Novel is a mirror. I want to see Queen Isabella's reflection in the eyes of the author. Even if she was not the main character in novel, but she was...in history. 變革需要勇氣,智慧,毅力和力量。換個角度看,Isabella也如此
評分食完 ++關於黑死病滅掉三分之一英國人口之後,自由勞工工資暴漲,愛德華3強製限製工資,農民與領主之間由在領主土地上義務勞動改為交租金,這些內容水平還行,雖然沒有特彆有趣。 +作為自治組織的行會和繁榮的工商業 +批判瞭一下父權社會 +寫瞭一點點(非常短)的百年戰爭,聊勝於無吧 ———情節非常及其特彆鬆散,不連貫而且缺少各種懸念轉摺 ——時間綫拖的太特麼長瞭,配角都換瞭好幾波,而且越來越虎頭蛇尾 ——男主角Merthin不夠有特色,女主Caris為瞭強行留在修道院有很多牽強的轉摺。 ——Gwenda的感情綫過於鵝心,真的從貧睏傢裏齣來的,人很機靈很有體力,也有反抗意誌的女孩子不去悶聲發大財,居然變成愛情白癡。而且她選人的眼光。。。 —Ralph完全可以有更多的發揮空間
評分不如第一部 四個主角沒有一個討喜的 女主尤其擰巴 看著著急????
評分故事在the Pillar of the Earth之後。900多頁的書剛剛看到200頁不到,情節尚不可預知,陰謀尚未有綫索。但背景描述、情景設置、人物勾勒一如既往地讓人佩服。大傢!
绿茶屌戈德温的登峰造极之路 背景:修道院拥有大量土地,控制人们思想,管理一个地区的基本事务。副院长位置空缺。急需一个新院长。 能够影响选举的关键人物 塞西莉亚(女修士的领导人,在修士中拥有很高的威望) 罗兰伯爵(拥有名望、土地、赋税、军队等,和修道院相互制约,...
評分这篇文章其实不是书评,只是因为阅读过程中的巧合,令我想要记录下来。 我大约是在1月15号阅读到“黑死病”的情节,此时微博上已经有关于武汉出现不明原因肺炎患者的消息,但是我也没有太往心里去,我还在积极的从淘宝上购买过年要用的东西、搭配拜年时要穿的衣服。其他的碎片...
評分第一本前半看得有点催眠,感觉和作者之前的书对比,人物脸谱化,男女主角个性特点都是套路。最要命那些千篇一律无聊狗血但频率还超高的车,又是忍了好久没摔书才渐入佳境。 凯瑞丝对婚姻的思考我太爱了,即使到如今都想不出一个终极的解决办法。可能就是因为世上有如此之多无解...
評分从《巨人的陨落》开始, 我就一直在读这位作家的书, 起初读这本书的时候我怀疑过腰封上宣传的词, 平均三个通宵读完, 老实讲我是一个坚决不会熬夜的人,觉得有趣的事情太多, 占用睡眠的时间却会造成第二天精神状态不好。 出于好奇心开始读这部大部头的小说, 然而里面描写的...
World Without End pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024