图书标签: 脑科学 英文译本 健康 个人管理 运动 躁起来 英文原著 英文原版
The Real Happy Pill pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Is there a foolproof way to reduce stress and anxiety while you boost your memory? Raise your IQ even as you slow down the aging process? Become more creative and train your ability to focus at the same time? The answer is simple: Move! Modern neuroscience and research has shown, more than ever, that physical exercise has extraordinary effects on our cognition.
Physical activity, more so than Sudoku or crossword puzzles, optimizes our mental abilities and health in a way unparalleled by any drug, medication, or food supplement. And exercise doesn’t just enhance your health, energy and mood levels, and cognitive abilities. You will also learn:
-Why physical training is the best protection against dementia
-What type of exercise can be used to treat depression as an antidepressant
-How exercise increases the ability to focus in children, especially kids with ADHD
-How children with good fitness can become better in math and reading comprehension
-Why “runner’s high,” the natural chemicals released during jogging, improves your health and mood
With practical and concrete advice for the layman on how to reap these benefits, as well as neuroscientific research from the last five years broken down to accessible findings, The Real Happy Pill urges you to train your body and mind for a whole-body upgrade, and start to move!
Anders Hansen is a physician and psychiatry specialist from the Karolinska Institute. He has published more than two thousand articles on medical science. He is the author of Prescription for Health. Hansen lives in Stockholm, Sweden.
评分A very professional work introduces how physical exercises resolve stress and depression.
评分走起来最好跑起来,可以让你降低焦虑、增进注意力、更开心、增强注意力、对抗痴呆。反正好处多多。 写的也是通俗易懂,在附加相应的实验证据,不会让这些建议听上去像魔法。
评分走起来最好跑起来,可以让你降低焦虑、增进注意力、更开心、增强注意力、对抗痴呆。反正好处多多。 写的也是通俗易懂,在附加相应的实验证据,不会让这些建议听上去像魔法。
你的记忆把你所经历的一切事情转变成了你的世界观。岁月会损坏我们大多数人的记忆里,有些与痴呆本身没有任何关系。主要的原因在于海马的萎缩、流经大脑的血流减少、大脑不同区域之间的联系减弱。但如果我们能够保持运动的习惯,这些过程能明显放缓。 而体育锻炼的作用被低估了...
评分现代都市年轻人都有着许多共同的烦恼:无法遏制的脱发问题、记忆力不断衰退、睡眠质量不高……这些问题即是生活压力的直接导向,也更加剧了压力指数的不断攀升。 来自瑞典的安德斯·汉森是一位内科医生和精神病学专家。他的《大脑健身房》是科普指南,也是方法指导。汉森医生通...
评分最近几年网络上都在流传着这么一种说法,要想了解一个人的生活层次与成功与否,只要看他的身材就好了。 这些观点认为,如果一个人能够通过不断地运动塑造出好的身材,那么他们一定具备了高度的自律和毅力,所以更容易在生活和工作中获得成就。 事实真的如此吗? 在《大脑健身房...
评分 评分The Real Happy Pill pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025