圖書標籤: 人類學 口述史 通古斯 鄂倫春 曆史 2017 社科 民族
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於碩,超文化人類學教授,巴黎第十大學博士,先後在中國人民大學、東北師範大學、法國布雷斯特大學、北京師範大學、香港理工大學任教,中歐社會論壇創始人之一及總監,香港理工大學中歐對話中心主任。主要著作有Chine et Occident: une Relation à Réinventer(2000)、《歐羅巴並不遙遠》(2004)、《中歐相逢:超文化生成性》(2014)、《遊牧筆端——法國畫傢方索的色境水墨》(2016),主要譯著有《中國文化與基督教的衝撞》(Jacques Gernet, 1989),《倫理》(Edgar Morin, 2016)。Shuo Yu-BossièrePhD in Ethnology of Nanterre University Paris X and professor of transcultural anthropology. She has taught at Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Brest University of France, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is one of the founders and first general coordinator of the China-Europa Forum and director of the China-Europa Center at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Her main publications:Chine et Occident: une Relation à Réinventer (2000), L’Europe c’est pas du Chinois (2004), Pinceau Nomade – Encre et Chromotopie de Fran?ois Boissière (2016), China-Europe Encounters and Transcultrual Generativity(2014).Translations: China and Christian Impact (J. Gernet, 1989), L'Ethique (E. Morin, 2016).趙式慶,自幼就讀英倫,大學主修哲學,2000年獲杜倫(Durham)大學學士文憑,後在北京大學、香港中文大學繼續研究美學、人類學。現任中華國術總會總裁、鄂倫春基金會及非物質文化遺産地脈協會創始人及主席、香港文化節創始人、中國民族博物館客座研究員、香港理工大學客座講師。一直緻力於瀕危文化遺産保護,主要著述:《國魂︰中華國術的過去和未來,一九零零年到現在》(2009)、《香港武林》(2014)、《客傢功夫三百年:數碼時代中的文化傳承》(2016)。Hing ChaoGraduated with a BA degree in Philosophy at Durham University in 2000. Deeply committed to preserving the cultural heritage of China, he is a pioneer in the research and revitalization of many of its endangered aspects, from Chinese martial arts and sports to ethnic minority music, material culture and knowledge systems. He is founder and chairman of Orochen Foundation, founding chairman of Intangible Cultural Heritage Earthpulse Society, founder of Hong Kong Culture Festival, visiting researcher at China National Museum of Ethnology, and visiting lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His publications include Spirit of a Nation: Development of Chinese Martial Arts, 1900 to Present (2009), Hong Kong Martial Arts Community (2014), and 300 Years of Hakka Kung Fu: Digital Vision of Its Legacy and Future(2016).
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