图书标签: 本雅明 德国 哲学 英文 方法论 待阅 好东西啊啊啊 名字
One-Way Street pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
One-Way Street is a thoroughfare unlike anything else in literature--by turns exhilarating and bewildering, requiring mental agility and a special kind of urban literacy. Presented here in a new edition with expanded notes, this genre-defying meditation on the semiotics of late-1920s Weimar culture offers a fresh opportunity to encounter Walter Benjamin at his most virtuosic and experimental, writing in a vein that anticipates later masterpieces such as "On the Concept of History" and The Arcades Project.
Composed of sixty short prose pieces that vary wildly in style and theme, One-Way Street evokes a dense cityscape of shops, cafes, and apartments, alive with the hubbub of social interactions and papered over with public inscriptions of all kinds: advertisements, signs, posters, slogans. Benjamin avoids all semblance of linear narrative, enticing readers with a seemingly random sequence of aphorisms, reminiscences, jokes, off-the-cuff observations, dreamlike fantasias, serious philosophical inquiries, apparently unserious philosophical parodies, and trenchant political commentaries. Providing remarkable insight into the occluded meanings of everyday things, Benjamin time and again proves himself the unrivalled interpreter of what he called "the soul of the commodity."
Despite the diversity of its individual sections, Benjamin's text is far from formless. Drawing on the avant-garde aesthetics of Dada, Constructivism, and Surrealism, its unusual construction implies a practice of reading that cannot be reduced to simple formulas. Still refractory, still radical, One-Way Street is a work in perpetual progress.
Michael W. Jennings is Class of 1900 Professor of Modern Languages at Princeton University.
读得非常艰难,有时候一句话要差不多来回看三遍才只能理解句面意思。不过和有趣的思想过招非常过瘾,虽然身陷碎片化的符号和梦境的密林,毫无还手之力。。anyway,要开始读Adorno的minima moralia了!
评分with C. Davidson
评分读得非常艰难,有时候一句话要差不多来回看三遍才只能理解句面意思。不过和有趣的思想过招非常过瘾,虽然身陷碎片化的符号和梦境的密林,毫无还手之力。。anyway,要开始读Adorno的minima moralia了!
这条路/叫阿西娅拉西斯街/是她作为工程师/使这条街整个地穿过了作者 《單行道》的題記。還能說什么呢?這是世界上最好聽的話。 本雅明有一些浪漫主義,智慧,但同時又很執拗,我猜他是土象或者風象。搜到他的出生日期是1892年7月15日。那就是巨蟹座,水象。 “...
评分就用这样一个题目换得点击率吧。 我不能否认这样的事实:我是因为看到书的后面那段关于书与妓女的阐述才借出这本书的。最初,我不掩饰自己的失望,哪有什么妓女,哪有什么妓女和书。后来在书中的某一页,我看到了这段话,姑且相信编者的用意无非是吸引读者。所以,你看到了我用...
评分稀里糊涂之间走进了Benjamin的单行道,因为一个知名书店的名字。 书的封面还看得过去,有时候照片远比那些彩色的几何图形出彩,它所包含的丰富的信息是那些简单抽象的几何图形所不能替代的。封底关于书籍和妓女的类比确实很精彩,但是否不太大众?不不是每个人都喜欢这种下半...
评分还好这并不是我读的第一本本雅明。 其实译者翻译问题出在诠释。本雅明的理论怎么能诠释呢! 而且译者有时候把简单的道理复杂化的趋势。 反而让人很难理解。 总之决定再换个版本的单行道看看。
评分早餐室 有一个民间传说,它告诚人们,不要在早晨空腹说梦。梦醒的人在空腹状态下,其实还在梦的魔力范围内,迟迟没有出来。因为洗漱不过是唤醒了人的体表,把可见的运动机能召唤至明亮的日光下,而在更深的层次,那朦胧的幽黯梦景即使在晨浴时仍不肯消散。是的,它牢牢黏附在人初醒时分...
One-Way Street pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025