圖書標籤: 藝術史 藝術 LeoSteinberg Leo_Steinberg ArtComment 英文原版 文藝復興 學術
Other Criteria pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Leo Steinberg's classic "Other Criteria" comprises eighteen essays on topics ranging from "Contemporary Art and the Plight of Its Public" and the "flat-bed picture plane" to reflections on Picasso, Rauschenberg, Rodin, de Kooning, Pollock, Guston, and Jasper Johns. The last, which Francine du Plessix Gray called "a tour de force of critical method," is widely regarded as the most eye-opening analysis of Johns' work ever written. This edition includes a new preface and a handful of additional illustrations.
列奧·施坦伯格(Leo Steinberg,1920-),美國著名文藝復興藝術史專傢,20世紀最傑齣的藝術批評傢之一。著有《文藝復興藝術及現代健忘中的基督的性徵》、《米開朗琪羅最後的繪畫》、《萊奧納多永遠的最後晚餐》、《遭遇勞申伯格》、《另類準則》等。鑒於他對美國藝術世界的巨大影響力,他與剋萊門特·格林伯格(Clement Greenberg)、哈洛德·羅森伯格(Harold Rosenberg)一道,被譽為美國“文化三伯格(三山)”。
The most brilliant art historian, the center of the art history department at Penn. We are all his students.
評分The most brilliant art historian, the center of the art history department at Penn. We are all his students.
評分今夏能讀Steinberg 真是太幸福瞭,強烈推薦給想“深入”瞭解歐美現代藝術的人!以及,非常想寫書評!!其重要性是多重的,在方法論上,它標誌著美國藝術與評論從現代往後現代的轉嚮,奠定瞭從形式主義反叛齣去的更寬闊的視野。其次,另幾篇雄文對現代繪畫(畢加索、Jasper Johns)的分析可能短時間內無法被超越。他花瞭一百頁寫畢加索的幾幅畫讀得實在酣暢淋灕!
http://site.douban.com/114654/ 还有列奥·施坦伯格小组: http://www.douban.com/group/leo_steinberg/ (小组中无插图,只有小站里有)
評分http://site.douban.com/114654/ 还有列奥·施坦伯格小组: http://www.douban.com/group/leo_steinberg/ (小组中无插图,只有小站里有)
Other Criteria pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025