图书标签: 哲学 休谟 Philosophy Hume 英国 经验主义 逻辑 知识论
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A landmark of enlightenment though, HUme's An Enquiry Concerning Human understanding is accompanied here by two shorter works that shed light on it: A Letter from a Gentlemen to His Friend in Edinburgh, hume's response to those accusing him of atheism, of advocating extreme scepticism, and of undermining the foundations of morality; and his Abstract of A Treatise of HUman Nature, which anticipates discussions developed in the Enquiry. In his concise Introduction, Eric Steinberg explores the conditions that led to write the Enquiry and the work's important relationship to Book 1 of Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature.
评分高能逻辑练习册之 夷为平地的世界观...
评分People only become familiar with the motion billiard ball, without asking why, they still can't explain the motion.
评分People only become familiar with the motion billiard ball, without asking why, they still can't explain the motion.
一 休谟给自己写的自传中说,自己不喜欢学法律,也尝试了经商,但是毫无兴趣,唯一的热爱,在于思考哲学和一般学问。老王说,每个人一生都有一个主题。休谟就是哲学沉思,就像苏格拉底的探索知识,笛卡尔、康德和斯宾诺莎也是如此。或许我也是如此,因为我在别的很多工作或生活...
评分有些问题,我们可以不去了解,那不会影响我们的吃喝住行。但这些问题如果不去了解,人生到底还是会变得黯淡。太多的理所当然太多的习以为常,基于习惯和经验,人变得倨傲和自负。 于是休谟问题就震撼了整个世界。科学并不比迷信更加理性。当人类掌握更多的知识,不断推进理智...
评分休谟家世背景优越,他自言道,他的家世不论在父系方面或母系方面都是名门。我父亲的家属是何谟伯爵,或休谟伯爵家属的一支;至于我的祖先们,则历代以来曾经领有过我兄弟所领有的那些产业。我的母亲是发尔康诺爵士的女儿(发尔康诺是民事最高法院的院长). 对学者的批判. 他们...
评分读书笔记5:人类理智研究 学生问,人生的意义是什么,老师回答,人生的意义就是你可以不断的问人生的意义是什么。 哲学家个个都是精神胜利法的高手,他们说即便你锦衣玉食,不懂的人生的意义,就是毫无意义。休谟则不同,他说,最完美的道德是在两个极端之间,对于书籍,社交和...
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025