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A History of the World in 100 Objects pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In A History of the World in 100 Objects, Neal MacGregor, director of the British Museum, takes readers on a tour of the world by way of its material goods. From everyday items such as pots, utensils, and money to valuables such as art and jewelry, MacGregor shows that the things humans have left behind are often as rich and informative as written texts. Whether it's a strange and unique object like a throne made of rifles from Mozambique or a medieval German crystal, or a familiar one like a sculpture of the head of Augustus or Hokusai's painting The Great Wave, MacGregor skillfully weaves each one into the fabric of the society that it came from. In that sense, the book is much more than a museum catalog: it's a hundred keyhole views into a hundred different societies from around the world and throughout history.
Neil MacGregor has been the director of the British Museum since 2002; prior to that, he was the director of the National Gallery in London. A popular presenter on BBC television and radio, he was named Briton of the Year in 2008. He lives in England.
Telling history through things. | BBC Podcast
評分讀得很感動的科普書,用瞭倆月的時間斷斷續續讀完,同時刷瞭兩遍horrible histories前五季,最後的大閤唱很能概括我對這本書的看法:we are history.
評分The curator's response to “Crusoe in England” (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/48287)。 書後又擼瞭十多本想讀的。
今天,再次隆重推荐《大英博物馆世界简史》。 这本书是前年在上海看完同名展览之后特地买来并开始翻阅的,很多时候就放在床头,隔三岔五翻一翻,前不久在香港二刷同名展览之后再度通读,又一次深深被打动。它给我最大的启示是,写一本知识性的好书,光有渊博的学识和优美的文笔...
評分在写这篇书评之前,我想先坦诚地陈述三点—— 第一,我是个历史盲。读书时,历史学得最差,不仅世界史背得一塌糊涂,中国史从鸦片战争往后就彻底不想学了。鸦片战争之前的,至今仍然记不住中国朝代表,只误打误撞地背下了清朝的十任皇帝是“顺康雍乾嘉道咸同光宣”,这和...
評分这本书是看到严锋老师推荐买的,儿子先看的。我看到巨厚的三大册,心里先怯了,一直摆着。 今年和这套书有关的文物真的漂洋过海来到中国,在北京和上海展览。真的抽空去上海排队看了展。近几年走了一些博物馆,也看了些文物,所以看到大英博物馆的这些文物也没有太多惊喜,只是...
評分如果想講述整個世界的歷史與文化,不過於偏袒人類某一族群,就不能光靠文字史料。因為文字歷史的期間較短、且多半受權力者影響而失其客觀性。而用物品來述說歷史,正是博物館存在的理由。從文物角度來解讀世界歷史文化,應更能貼近史實,這便是本書的特色。 唯解讀歷史,往往要...
A History of the World in 100 Objects pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025