圖書標籤: 音樂 music classical 藝術 樂理 西方 英文版 音樂史
Listening to Music pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The only music appreciation text on the market to include listening exercises throughout the book, LISTENING TO MUSIC, Sixth Edition, masterfully develops and refines your listening skills. Acclaimed for unparalleled clarity and accuracy, using Wright will help you study efficiently, do well on your tests and quizzes, and learn to enjoy many kinds of music. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern as well as popular music and its impact on musical globalization, and music from the Far East, the Near East and Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Learning to listen critically is at the heart of a music appreciation course, and Wright gives you the tools to develop and sharpen your listening skills in three important ways: First, Listening to Music is the only text to include detailed Listening Exercises throughout the book. These exercises, which ask questions just like the ones your instructor is likely to ask in quizzes, will help you focus on important musical elements and episodes and do well in the course. Second, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD is packaged with each copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text to help you get a good start in the first few weeks of class. Third, interactive Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes, with streaming music for most of the selections in the text, are available on the Schirmer Cengage Learning website and multimedia eBook.
作者:(美國)剋雷格•萊特 (Craig Wright)
剋雷格•萊特 (Craig Wright),1966年獲伊斯曼音樂學校音樂學士,1972年獲哈佛大學哲學博士,耶魯大學音樂係教授,在該校任教已三十餘年。他寫有大量的學術專著和文章,內容涉及從雷奧南到巴赫的許多作麯傢。他也是很多奬項的得主,包括古根海姆奬學金,美國音樂學協會的“愛因斯坦和金科迪奬”,以及國際音樂學協會的登特勛章。2004年,他被授予芝加哥大學人文學科名譽博士學位。他還與布萊因•希姆斯閤著瞭《西方文明中的音樂》一書(湯姆森•希爾默齣版公司,2006)。
Craig 講課太有魅力瞭! 伴著書裏的listening exercise聽古典樂好有感覺! //教材寫的很棒。後來發現Coursera上有對應的公開課。書沒讀完,讀瞭四五個chapter。最近有空的時候都在讀醫生們寫的書. my old obsessions revived...
評分Craig 講課太有魅力瞭! 伴著書裏的listening exercise聽古典樂好有感覺! //教材寫的很棒。後來發現Coursera上有對應的公開課。書沒讀完,讀瞭四五個chapter。最近有空的時候都在讀醫生們寫的書. my old obsessions revived...
評分第一本全洋文音樂書,很慚愧……principle of mkting彩色原版都不捨得買,這個倒是一刀子下去,痛快地很。
評分Craig 講課太有魅力瞭! 伴著書裏的listening exercise聽古典樂好有感覺! //教材寫的很棒。後來發現Coursera上有對應的公開課。書沒讀完,讀瞭四五個chapter。最近有空的時候都在讀醫生們寫的書. my old obsessions revived...
我仅看第一章就发现了语句不通顺的地方。 另外,第一个聆听练习(p13)只有10道题(网友提供英文辅助网站有20道题,且每道题有一段音频对应)。 而且没有二维码提供每道题的音频,等于相信你是指挥大师可以精确记得几分几秒是个什么乐句。 而且,开头写个“贝多芬,第五交响曲...
評分还有几天就要回家了,在学校呆着就突然想看看“文艺”方面的书,正好自己比较喜欢古典音乐,聆听音乐的公开课也看过几讲,就从图书馆里把这本书借回来了。 这本书从中世纪时期的音乐一直谈到文艺复兴、巴洛克时期、古典主义、浪漫主义、现代主义、后现代主义等等。我刚刚看到...
評分 評分大家好!在下是《聆听音乐》责任编辑,刚刚得到一个针对亚洲区读者的配套网站,发布在这里,希望能对本书的读者有一点点帮助。 http://www.cengagebrain.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9780495189732&token=31A0E7F88AA31398AC00A23E381...
Listening to Music pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025