图书标签: JonathanTropper 英语 美国文学 美国 小说 外国文学 亚马逊 what.
This Is Where I Leave You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The death of Judd Foxman’s father marks the first time that the entire Foxman family—including Judd’s mother, brothers, and sister—have been together in years. Conspicuously absent: Judd’s wife, Jen, whose fourteen-month affair with Judd’s radio-shock-jock boss has recently become painfully public.
Simultaneously mourning the death of his father and the demise of his marriage, Judd joins the rest of the Foxmans as they reluctantly submit to their patriarch’s dying request: to spend the seven days following the funeral together. In the same house. Like a family.
As the week quickly spins out of control, longstanding grudges resurface, secrets are revealed, and old passions reawakened. For Judd, it’s a weeklong attempt to make sense of the mess his life has become while trying in vain not to get sucked into the regressive battles of his madly dysfunctional family. All of which would be hard enough without the bomb Jen dropped the day Judd’s father died: She’s pregnant.
This Is Where I Leave You is Jonathan Tropper's most accomplished work to date, a riotously funny, emotionally raw novel about love, marriage, divorce, family, and the ties that bind—whether we like it or not.
Jonathan Tropper is the author of How to Talk to a Widower, Everything Changes, The Book of Joe, and Plan B. He lives with his family in Westchester, New York, where he teaches writing at Manhattanville College. He is currently adapting This Is Where I Leave You as a feature film for Warner Brothers Studios.
看过电影才买的一本二手小说来读,小说内容远比电影要更多,有些甚至更颠覆三观,电影的剧本还是很可以的。 但读完小说时候貌似更能理解为什么Jen出轨,有时候并不只是一个人的错,面对一个无法沟通,不体谅然后还越来越远的老公面前,Jen也有自己的伤需要去抚慰,也需要有人来安慰。爱是复杂的,没有想象中的那么纯洁,但是爱也可以变得很直率简单。感觉最重要的就是如何放下对未来的恐惧和不安,大胆的接受每一个可能性
评分some families are more messed up than mine, ha!
评分More down-to-earth than David Sedaris. If this were a movie, Steve Carell'd be perfect for the role of Judd. Love a good dysfunctional family story.
评分22/10/17-18/4/18 虽然是先写的书再改编的电影,但是阅读的过程中一直觉得这小说就是蹦着要拍电影去的。戏剧冲突很多,但有些也太扯了,比如最后老妈的出柜;嫂子把小叔子上了,这两货以前还是情侣;男主小时候撞见老爸老妈女上男下,老妈居然还告诉他在为爱鼓掌。奇葩的一家人。
评分some families are more messed up than mine, ha!
生活渐行渐远,你需要多努力才能把你的生活变得如此狗血? 之前好友推荐这本书的时候,我是嗤之以鼻的。《谁来替我照顾妈妈》,这种书我是不看的。可是,有些缘分就是逃不掉的,我最后还是看完了这本书,公交上也看,等人的时候也看。 看完之后,才发现,即使贾德的生活都成...
评分无论是在家人的爱恨上,还是在对人的洞察上,这本书已经到达一种极致。看的时候会大声笑,会心酸地热泪盈眶,我这是我喜欢的一本书,非常喜欢。 我不知道强纳森·崔弗尔的书是否都是这样,或者说我不确定他是不是一个真正的作家,但我确定,他对生活的理解至深。
评分一向不喜欢外国文学,这次是被书的封面吸引的,这个温馨的封面让我觉得内容应该是既感动又催泪的一本关于“妈妈”的书。但是。。可但是,当开始读序的时候我就知道我的想法就被彻底颠覆了。 故事以主人公的父亲去世为开头,描写了一家兄妹几个见面就互相攻击、讽刺、...
评分 评分开始读这本书的时候,我坐在医院的候诊大厅里,在大屏幕滚动到我的名字之前,我读完了整整半本。我是想夸这本书可读性很强还是谴责医院排队时间过长,这其实无足轻重,重要的是从医院出来以后,我突然想起来马上就是一个朋友的生日,我觉得这本书非常适合他,于是立刻上京东下...
This Is Where I Leave You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025