圖書標籤: 超想要!!!!!!!!! 物理
Antimatter pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Antimatter explores a strange mirror world, where particles have identical yet opposite properties to those that make up the familiar matter we encounter everyday; where left becomes right, positive becomes negative; and where, should matter and antimatter meet, the two annihilate in a blinding flash of energy that makes even thermonuclear explosions look feeble by comparison. It is an idea long beloved of science-fiction stories - but here, renowned science writer Frank Close shows that the reality of antimatter is even more fascinating than the fiction itself. We know that once, antimatter and matter existed in perfect counterbalance, and that antimatter then perpetrated a vanishing act on a cosmic scale that remains one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Today, antimatter does not exist normally, at least on Earth, but we know that it is real for scientists are now able to make small pieces of it in particle accelerators, such as that at CERN in Geneva.Looking at the remarkable prediction of antimatter and how it grew from the meeting point of relativity and quantum theory in the early 20th century, at the discovery of the first antiparticles, at cosmic rays, annihilation, antimatter bombs, and antiworlds, Close separates the facts from the fiction about antimatter, and explains how its existence can give us profound clues about the origins and structure of the universe.
弗蘭剋•剋洛斯(Frank Close)
英國人,牛津大學物理學教授,埃剋塞特大學研究員,曾任盧瑟福•阿普爾頓實驗室的理論物理學部門負責人,曾榮獲瞭大英帝國官佐勛章(OBE)、英國物理學會開爾文奬。他還擔任過歐洲核子研究中心公共教育和通訊部的負責人,因其在促進物理學的公眾理解和科普寫作方麵的突齣貢獻,他獲得瞭英國媒體評齣的2007年最佳科普寫作奬(“Sygenta Prize”)。他的其他作品有:《路西法的遺産》(2000)、《奧德賽粒子》(2002)、《虛空》(2007)等。
評分美国作家丹•布朗(Dan Brown)在畅销小说《天使与魔鬼》里,把反物质描述成一种威力极其强大的武器,一点点的反物质就可以把整个梵蒂冈城炸得灰飞烟灭。反物质到底是什么,它为什么有如此可怕的力量呢?英国物理学家弗兰克•克洛斯(Frank Close)在其科普作品《反物质》...
評分美国作家丹•布朗(Dan Brown)在畅销小说《天使与魔鬼》里,把反物质描述成一种威力极其强大的武器,一点点的反物质就可以把整个梵蒂冈城炸得灰飞烟灭。反物质到底是什么,它为什么有如此可怕的力量呢?英国物理学家弗兰克•克洛斯(Frank Close)在其科普作品《反物质》...
Antimatter pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025