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Dive Into Python pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Whether you're an experienced programmer looking to get into Python or grizzled Python veteran who remembers the days when you had to import the string module, Dive Into Python is your 'desert island' Python book. -- Joey deVilla, Slashdot contributor As a complete newbie to the language...I constantly had those little thoughts like, 'this is the way a programming language should be taught.' -- Lasse Koskela , JavaRanch Apress has been profuse in both its quantity and quality of releasesand (this book is) surely worth adding to your technical reading budget for skills development. -- Blane Warrene, Technology Notes I am reading this ...because the language seems like a good way to accomplish programming tasks that don't require the low-level bit handling power of C. -- Richard Bejtlich, TaoSecurity Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language of choice for shell scripters, and for serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language to deploy their products. Dive Into Python is a hands-on guide to the Python language. Each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end. This is the perfect resource for you if you like to jump into languages fast and get going right away. If you're just starting to learn Python, first pick up a copy of Magnus Lie Hetland's Practical Python. Table of Contents * Installing Python * Your First Python Program * Native Datatypes * The Power of Introspection * Objects and Object-Orientation * Exceptions and File Handling * Regular Expressions * HTML Processing * XML Processing * Scripts and Streams * HTTP Web Services * SOAP Web Services * Unit Testing * Test-First Programming * Refactoring * Functional Programming * Dynamic Functions * Performance Tuning
Mark Pilgrim is an accessibility architect in the IBM Emerging Technologies Group. He is the author of several technical books,
including Dive Into Accessibility, a free online tutorial on web accessibility. He lives in North Carolina with his wife and newborn son, and spends his copious free time sunbathing, skydiving, and
reading Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
很多人对这本书评价比较低, 我觉得从我当初接触 Python 的角度看, 还好吧.
评分很多人对这本书评价比较低, 我觉得从我当初接触 Python 的角度看, 还好吧.
先来一坨代码尝尝看,是不是很美味; 解释一下这坨大菜是怎么做的; ---这是我喜欢的技术书方式 ---这样的书是用来读的,《APUE》那样的书是用来查的 ---如果每本技术上述都这样,程序员早就满大街了
评分先来一坨代码尝尝看,是不是很美味; 解释一下这坨大菜是怎么做的; ---这是我喜欢的技术书方式 ---这样的书是用来读的,《APUE》那样的书是用来查的 ---如果每本技术上述都这样,程序员早就满大街了
评分不是很连续的看了2遍,还是有点虚。尽管我承认它是一本很好的书。 每个人看书的习惯不一样。对于专业书,我可能真的是习惯了多少年来各种教材的熏陶,包括措辞、结构、内容安排等等。估计还是习惯了C/C++,十分注重语言特性吧。所以这本书看完,心里还是有点虚,总担心是不是什...
评分很赞这本书。张弛有度,读起来让人心旷神怡。 书中的每一章都以一段精心设计的代码开始。第一眼看过去,这段代码让人摸不着头脑;然而一章读完,随着作者带领着的dive into,很快就有一种豁然开朗的感觉。而每一章的代码设计的是如此精密,使得python里的很多特性都被包含在了...
评分这本书张弛有度,读起来轻松且有足够深度,这正好也是Python的特点:简单却不乏力量。是非常好的入门书籍,远胜O'Reilly的Learning Python与Python自己的教程。
Dive Into Python pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025