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The Pilgrim's Progress pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
John Bunyan (baptised 30 November 1628-31 August 1688) was an English writer and preacher best remembered as the author of the religious allegory The Pilgrim's Progress. In addition to The Pilgrim "s Progress, Bunyan wrote nearly sixty titles, many of them expanded sermons.
Bunyan came from the village of Elstow, near Bedford. He had little schooling and at the age of sixteen joined the Parliamentary army during the first stage of the English Civil War. After three years in the army he returned to Elstow and took up the trade of tinker, which he had learnt from his father. He became interested in religion after his marriage, attending first the parish church and then joining the Bedford Meeting,a nonconformist group in Bedford, and-becoming a preacher. After the restoration of the monarch, when the freedom of nonconformists was curtailed, Bunyan was arrested and spent the next twelve years in gaol as he refused to undertake to give up preaching. During this time he wrote a spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, and began work on his most famous book, The Pilgrim's Progress, which was not published until some years after his release.
基督徒从书中得知自己所居住的城市将遭天火毁灭,惊恐不已,受到指点后决定奔走天路寻求救赎。我在脑中以基督徒的身份试演了三种情景选择,以下情景皆以第一人称表述: 情景选择一:接受传道者的指点,历经艰难到达天国 我接受传道者的指点,决定不管经历怎样的苦难,一定要到...
评分恩爱夫妻渡难关 杨之宏笔名是西海,可能与宁夏“西海固”的地名有关,五十年代他被分配到那个贫瘠的黄土沙地。据报载,那里曾是联合国教科文组织认定的最不适宜人类生存的地方之一。他是福建人,其父亲杨树庄时任民国海军司令,是作家冰心的表侄,冰心父亲谢葆璋时在海军部任职...
评分宇宙大爆炸有个奇点,基督徒认为上帝创造世界万有是从他引动的奇点大爆炸开始的。 而世界的末了,上帝审判这个世界也要把大火降下来。但我没有深的认识。只是一次看科技片,谈到星系之间有许多黑洞:体积和面积巨大,引力极大,任何东西,被他逮着就别想逃脱,包括光...
评分“一副天然的幻境,真实和虚妄的对照。” ——莎士比亚《第十二夜》 《天路历程》的读法有很多种了:纯粹的宗教劝谕之作、寓言甚至是班扬的自传,比如Thomas Scott注释版的《天路历程》里,第一句话就被认为与班扬在贝德福德(Bedford)的牢狱生涯有关:“我在旷野里行走,来到...
评分The Pilgrim's Progress pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025