圖書標籤: MedievalChina 需 藝術史 經學 禮製 曆史 MaterialCulture
Design by the Book pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Today, China's classical antiquity is often studied through recovered artifacts, but before this practice became widespread, scholars instead reconstructed the distant past through classical texts and transmitted illustrations. Among the most important illustrated commentaries was the Sanli tu, or Illustrations to the Ritual Classics, whose origins are said to date back to the great commentator Zheng Xuan. Design by the Book, which accompanies an exhibition at Bard Graduate Center Gallery, discusses the history and cultural significance of the Sanli tu in medieval China. The Sanli tu survives in a version produced around 960 by Nie Chongyi, a professor at the court of the Later Zhou (951 960) and Northern Song (960 1127) dynasties. It is now mostly remembered if at all for its controversial entries and as a quaint predecessor of the more empirical antiquarian scholarship produced since the mid-eleventh century. But such criticism hides the fact that the book remained a standard resource for more than 150 years, playing a crucial role in the Song dynasty's perception of ancient ritual and construction of a Confucian state cult.
Richly illustrated, Design by the Book brings renewed focus to one of China's most fascinating medieval works.
Francois Louis is associate professor of the history of Chinese design and visual culture at Bard Graduate Center in New York City.
評分此書交代瞭“三禮圖”傳統(ritual manual)的源流與承繼(cultural biography),並以聶崇禮《三禮圖》為曆史基準點,往前追溯瞭“三禮圖”作為經學一部分的文本流傳權威性(textual authority);這一禮學權威在宋初被皇室認可後,於北宋後期逐漸被士大夫的“復古”思潮所質疑,後者基於對考古實物(archaeological objects)的觀察,批評傳世文獻中的禮器圖製,其中最突齣的代錶即《考古圖》和《宣和博古圖》。更有趣的是《三禮圖》在後世的流傳,事實證明南宋的禮器形製依循瞭兩大趨勢,即基於實物的《博古圖》和基於文獻的《三禮圖》,而後者的影響在南宋並未消失,而是與北宋考古風潮並行不悖。Louis還對《三禮圖》圖示做瞭詳細的分類與注釋,是十分實用的參考書。
評分此書交代瞭“三禮圖”傳統(ritual manual)的源流與承繼(cultural biography),並以聶崇禮《三禮圖》為曆史基準點,往前追溯瞭“三禮圖”作為經學一部分的文本流傳權威性(textual authority);這一禮學權威在宋初被皇室認可後,於北宋後期逐漸被士大夫的“復古”思潮所質疑,後者基於對考古實物(archaeological objects)的觀察,批評傳世文獻中的禮器圖製,其中最突齣的代錶即《考古圖》和《宣和博古圖》。更有趣的是《三禮圖》在後世的流傳,事實證明南宋的禮器形製依循瞭兩大趨勢,即基於實物的《博古圖》和基於文獻的《三禮圖》,而後者的影響在南宋並未消失,而是與北宋考古風潮並行不悖。Louis還對《三禮圖》圖示做瞭詳細的分類與注釋,是十分實用的參考書。
Design by the Book pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025