圖書標籤: 曆史 絲綢之路 世界史 History 海外中國研究 SilkRoad history NNT
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The sun is setting on the Western world. Slowly but surely, the direction in which the world spins has reversed: where for the last five centuries the globe turned westwards on its axis, it now turns to the east.
For centuries, fame and fortune was to be found in the west - in the New World of the Americas. Today, it is the east which calls out to those in search of adventure and riches. The region stretching from eastern Europe and sweeping right across Central Asia deep into China and India, is taking centre stage in international politics, commerce and culture - and is shaping the modern world.
This region, the true centre of the earth, is obscure to many in the English-speaking world. Yet this is where civilization itself began, where the world's great religions were born and took root. The Silk Roads were no exotic series of connections, but networks that linked continents and oceans together. Along them flowed ideas, goods, disease and death. This was where empires were won - and where they were lost. As a new era emerges, the patterns of exchange are mirroring those that have criss-crossed Asia for millennia. The Silk Roads are rising again.
A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is an important account of the forces that have shaped the global economy and the political renaissance in the re-emerging east.
Peter Frankopan is Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford, and Director the Centre for Byzantine Research at Oxford University. He took a First in History and was Schiff Scholar at Jesus College, Cambridge, before completing his doctorate at Oxford, where he was Senior Scholar at Corpus Christi College. He has lectured at leading universities all over the world, including Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, King's College London and the Institute of Historical Research. His revised translation of The Alexiad by Anna Komnene was published in 2009 and The First Crusade was published in 2012.
評分讀的時候會覺得歐美帝國主義好虛僞呀,他們的財富來源好不光彩呀,需要的時候奴隸啦鴉片啦武器啦都是正當的貿易 。但他們不會禁止自己人寫這樣的書,任其暢銷,不得不說是瞭不起的帝國主義。
評分Cool read
評分居然找不到他的「The New Silk Roads」隻好在這兒評價。一句話,這本「剪報」是作者從歷史學傢轉型KOL的扛鼎之作。
評分讀到三分之一 作者是有功底的人。作為牛津拜占庭考古的頭 他寫的東西十分難得得在我比較熟悉的兩個領域(我學過一學期古印度考古和漢至唐代考古)沒有陌生感和疏離感 而後者是絕大多數(潛意識裏以)西方(為中心)的學者都會有的共性。也許這正是這本書的精神內核:強調亞洲和中亞的曆史重要性
这本书的优点在于方法论上面上面,不再限于国别而是使用了每个时期的主体文明潮流作为一种主题去研究,所以虽然具体史料细节上并没有特别亮眼惊人的地方,但是作为入门级历史读物在整体思路上是比较优秀的。 人类文明史的革新也可以被看做是文明组织形式的方法论的革新,率先...
評分 評分历史书一般都有一个清晰地脉络或者线索。一个事件或一个人物或沿着时间顺序扩展开来,我们看到的经典中便有纪传体,编年体,国别体,通史,断代史等等。而彼得.弗兰科潘写的这本沉甸甸的《丝绸之路》,很难严格用传统的体裁来定义,说它是一本全新的世界史确实一点不为过。...
評分历史反映的是发生在过去的客观现实,是不随人的主观意志改变的,但这并不意味着我们无法选择看到历史的哪个部分,并且用什么样的眼光去看待。 对于“没看见”的那些部分,后来的人们就会在自己已有资源的基础上开展自己的研究,于是就出现了历史究竟由谁来说、怎么说、从什么角...
The Silk Roads pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025