圖書標籤: 存在主義 JeanPaulSartre Sartre Existentialism 哲學 薩特 法國文學 法國
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The classic Existentialist novel, with a newintroduction by renowned poet, translator, and critic Richard Howard.
Winner of the 1964 Nobel Prize for Literature, Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher, critic, novelist, and dramatist, holds a position of singular eminence in the world of letters. Among readers and critics familiar with the whole of Sartre's work, it is generally recognized that his earliest novel, La Nausée (first published in 1938), is his finest and most significant. It is unquestionably a key novel of the twentieth century and a landmark in Existentialist fiction.
Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin, a French writer who is horrified at his own existence. In impressionistic, diary form he ruthlessly catalogues his every feeling and sensation. His thoughts culminate in a pervasive, overpowering feeling of nausea which "spreads at the bottom of the viscous puddle, at the bottom of our time—the time of purple suspenders and broken chair seats; it is made of wide, soft instants, spreading at the edge, like an oil stain." Roquentin's efforts to come to terms with life, his philosophical and psychological struggles, give Sartre the opportunity to dramatize the tenets of his Existentialist creed.
薩特和加繆是摯友。這本書已經可以顯露齣二人存在主義觀點的互補與共生。局外人裏麵的抑鬱是沉重的,密不透風沒有齣口的。惡心裏麵的抑鬱是空虛的,這是完全不同的情況,它建立在形形色色的身邊事物,這些存在都是鬱的齣發點與終點。所以惡心充滿瞭描寫,自剖,這些生活因素的堆集與化學反應實在是寫的太過於精彩。結尾藉音樂進入存在聖殿,卻收的有點basic. Indeed, very difficult to read.要一字一句讀,字字句句反復小酌後意味都像從胖男人身上榨齣來的fat,倒胃復雜又惡心
評分12.2018 / 11.2017 But a time would have to come when the book would be written, would be behind me, and I think that a little of its light would fall over my past. Then, through it, I might be able to recall my life without repugnance.
評分Very difficult to read. In the end, the Nausea is nothing else than his anxiety of an unacknowledged existence. After all, if you live alone by yourself, what is there to prove that you exist at all?
評分heidegger must have also felt qwesye
一个不会发生的奇遇 ——从存在主义解读萨特的《恶心》 作为一个公共知识分子,萨特彰显了其对于现实的强烈关注和其自身的哲学思考。但我读了很久,没有在桂裕芳翻译的这本被评价甚高的小说中发现更多的东西。 萨特是有自己...
評分20世纪有三位存在主义哲学大师:海德格尔、萨特和加缪。海德格尔是存在主义的先驱,萨特和加缪是存在主义的主要代表人物。 加缪的《局外人》长期在畅销书榜占有一席之地,《鼠疫》的知名度也不低,相比之下,萨特的代表作《恶心》的传播度要差的多,在各大图书网站上都难觅其踪...
評分 評分另一个方向 他曾是一个羞涩、敏感、早慧的孩子,60岁的时候,他在一本童年自传里回忆了自己在人生初年对母亲的迷恋、对死亡最初的恐惧和一次次的阅读历险,在这本讲述自己“在一个老人和两个妇女中间”成长的小书里,他还不厌其烦地描绘了这些资产阶级家庭的日常景象:彩绘...
Nausea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025