图书标签: 古希腊 Iliad Homer 西洋古代 荷马 希腊文 小说 史诗
Iliad, Volume I pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Loeb Classical Library 170
Here is a new Loeb Classical Library edition of Homer’s stirring heroic account of the Trojan war and its passions. The eloquent and dramatic epic poem captures the terrible anger of Achilles, "the best of the Achaeans," over a grave insult to his personal honor and relates its tragic result--a chain of consequences that proves devastating for the Greek forces besieging Troy, for noble Trojans, and for Achilles himself. The poet gives us compelling characterizations of his protagonists as well as a remarkable study of the heroic code in antiquity.
The works attributed to Homer include the two oldest and greatest European epic poems, the Odyssey and the Iliad. These have been published in the Loeb Classical Library for three quarters of a century, the Greek text facing a faithful and literate prose translation by A. T. Murray. William F. Wyatt now brings the Loeb’s Iliad up to date, with a rendering that retains Murray’s admirable style but is written for today’s readers.
阿喀琉斯的愤怒 伟大的《伊利亚特》以歌唱阿喀琉斯的愤怒作为开篇,将之视为更残酷的命运起始的标志——“歌唱吧,女神,歌唱帕琉斯之子阿喀琉斯的愤怒,这愤怒给阿开亚人带来了无限的苦难。很多勇敢的灵魂就这样被打入哈迪斯的冥土,许多英雄的尸骨沦为野狗和兀鹰之口。自从...
评分特洛伊国王之子帕里斯抵斯巴达,备受王者墨涅拉奥斯的款待。因著名的“Judgement of Paris”,他将墨涅拉奥斯之妻第一美女海伦带回特洛伊。希腊各地的王者和首领们于是由迈锡尼国王阿伽门农统领,进兵特洛伊,夺回海伦。希腊联军兵临特洛伊,但一连九年不得破。在第十年里,阿...
评分阿喀琉斯的愤怒 伟大的《伊利亚特》以歌唱阿喀琉斯的愤怒作为开篇,将之视为更残酷的命运起始的标志——“歌唱吧,女神,歌唱帕琉斯之子阿喀琉斯的愤怒,这愤怒给阿开亚人带来了无限的苦难。很多勇敢的灵魂就这样被打入哈迪斯的冥土,许多英雄的尸骨沦为野狗和兀鹰之口。自从...
评分 评分特洛伊国王之子帕里斯抵斯巴达,备受王者墨涅拉奥斯的款待。因著名的“Judgement of Paris”,他将墨涅拉奥斯之妻第一美女海伦带回特洛伊。希腊各地的王者和首领们于是由迈锡尼国王阿伽门农统领,进兵特洛伊,夺回海伦。希腊联军兵临特洛伊,但一连九年不得破。在第十年里,阿...
Iliad, Volume I pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025