圖書標籤: 心理學 敏感 心理 Psychology HSP Sensitive 成長 Psychotherapy
The Highly Sensitive Person pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Are you a highly sensitive person?
Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and water? Are you "too shy" or "too sensitive" according to others? Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? If your answers are yes, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
Most of us feel overstimulated every once in a while, but for the Highly Sensitive Person, it's a way of life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist, workshop leader and highly sensitive person herself, shows you how to identify this trait in yourself and make the most of it in everyday situations. Drawing on her many years of research and hundreds of interviews, she shows how you can better understand yourself and your trait to create a fuller, richer life.
In The Highly Sensitive Person , you will discover:
* Self-assessment tests to help you identify your particular sensitivities
* Ways to reframe your past experiences in a positive light and gain greater self-esteem in the process
* Insight into how high sensitivity affects both work and personal relationships
* Tips on how to deal with overarousal
* Informations on medications and when to seek help
* Techniques to enrich the soul and spirit
很有趣的一本書,感覺跟介紹的 HSP 自己的 trait 有比較大的 overlap,閱讀過程中也有不少共鳴。感覺不論自己是 HSP 或者是身邊有 HSP 類型的朋友的人都可以讀一讀至少前麵幾個章節。全書整個有點長,從 identify HSP 開始介紹瞭這類人在成長,生活,工作,社會中可能會碰到的各種狀況和提供相應建議等等。我個人覺得後麵這些章節太長也不太有趣,大概也因為我自己長期已經有一套自己的解決方案吧。 打 4 星主要是因為覺得書後麵部分有點冗長並且給的解決方案實際用處有待商榷,可能精煉一點“授人以漁”就夠瞭。(短評限製寫不下,還是寫成書評吧)
評分前幾章很有意思,HSP一類人的概念,both nature and nurture;作者還引用瞭一些榮格的性格理論,不過可惜沒有展開;讀書過程發現自己不是HSP,但有一些個彆的點還是很有共鳴。關於與環境變化下人的反應是inward 還是outward類型也很有趣,self-parenting平衡自己的辦法很受用
評分It's like received an invitation from Hogwarts, which makes me realize I'm not crazy, just different in some way. IT'S REAL AND IT'S OKAY. It also comes with several tips about how to control and live with sensitivity. Above all, it takes time, practice and courage. Hope all HSPs can get their O.W.L.s.
安静小孩的童年 在我的童年时代,我还不能知晓性格是什么东西,也不知道小孩子有各种各样的性格是很正常而且合理的事情,大人们灌输给我的观念就是懂事的小孩见人要学会打招呼,和邻居们要经常往来互通有无,能被大人喜爱的孩子一般都是伶牙俐齿性格开朗,这让我这个表现地很安...
評分事实类 1.高度敏感的人一类从来不感觉抑郁和不快,一类经常感到抑郁。后一类的人基本上都是童年不幸福。 符合后一类 2.高度敏感的人面对他们的敏感会有两种情形。一种过分封闭,一种过激状态(知道自己的敏感状态却还是要挑战令自己不适的东西)。处于过激状态的人无法从非...
評分对最高赞的书评进行重排版,原排版实在太难受了(进一步佐证自己是个高敏感者…) 如下: 1.身体,喜欢安静,有规律,自己可以把控的生活;高度敏感的人不适合加夜班或混合早晚班,而且恢复时差反应也比别人慢,对于刺激,比如去熬夜K歌等,大大的伤害身体,恢复的慢。 2.眼睛...
評分开始的测试我几乎全部符合。只是有点失望,因为我并不能接纳自己的个性。 1,身体喜欢安静。是的,我不喜欢城市,喜欢乡村,可是因为安静,就可以隐居么。显然不可以。 2,闭眼多注意。 就是减少工作量么。我曾经想过做家庭主妇会不会好一些。可这个现实的社会,你要有钱,就得工...
The Highly Sensitive Person pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025