图书标签: 罗兰·巴特 符号学 Barthes Semiotics 结构主义 semiology 语言学 哲学
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"In his Course in General Linguistics, first published in 1916, Saussure postulated the existence of a general science of signs, or Semiology, of which linguistics would form only one part. Semiology, therefore aims to take in any system of signs, whatever their substance and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and the complex associations of all these, which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment: these constitute, if not languages, at least systems of signification . . . The Elements here presented have as their sole aim the extraction from linguistics of analytical concepts which we think a priori to be sufficiently general to start semiological research on its way. In assembling them, it is not presupposed that they will remain intact during the course of research; nor that semiology will always be forced to follow the linguistic model closely. We are merely suggesting and elucidating a terminology in the hope that it may enable an initial (albeit provisional) order to be introduced into the heterogeneous mass of significant facts. In fact what we purport to do is furnish a principle of classification of the questions. These elements of semiology will therefore be grouped under four main headings borrowed from structural linguistics: I. Language and Speech; II. Signified and Signifier; III. Syntagm and System; IV. Denotation and Connotation."--Roland Barthes, from his Introduction
评分可以看作巴特通过叶姆斯列夫对索绪尔的大胆(错误)解读 大量吸收了H的术语并进行自我创新的阐发(譬如做三阶connotation将元语言阐释为一种意识形态的表达是否严格遵循结构主义原意有待商榷)不过这种解读说明巴特在刚开始结构主义的阶段就已经有了后结构苗头倾向于把元语言理解为话语的竞争的一种contextualism这个时期的巴特比其他解构主义者更加语言中心甚至号称符号学只是语言学的分支(mlgb)过度强调结构主义的二元对立也是一种转译误读/提了不少MP惊讶/有点牺牲充分理解急于跳进应用 学界的误解已经够多还是少点好/但其中把语言言语解读为辩证是比较正确的 分节论和组合分类解读得不错 一些边缘案例有趣值得进一步思考 另外当做一个论争文本帮助我们理解结构主义也不错
Elements of Semiology pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025