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The Postman Always Rings Twice

James M. Cain
USD 13.00

图书标签: 小说  英文原版  James.M.Cain  美国  美国文学  J.M.Cain  推理  Fiction   

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An amoral young tramp.A beautiful, sullen woman with an inconvenient husband.A problem that has only one grisly solution--a solution that only creates other problems that no one can ever solve.

First published in 1934 and banned in Boston for its explosive mixture of violence and eroticism, The Postman Always Rings Twice is a classic of the roman noir . It established James M. Cain as a major novelist with an unsparing vision of America's bleak underside, and was acknowledged by Albert Camus as the model for The Stranger .

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James Mallahan Cain (July 1, 1892–October 27, 1977) was an American journalist and novelist. Although Cain himself vehemently opposed labeling, he is usually associated with the hard-boiled school of American crime fiction and seen as one of the creators of the "roman noir."

He was born into an Irish Catholic family in Annapolis, Maryland, the son of a prominent educator and an opera singer. He inherited his love for music from his mother, but his high hopes of starting a career as a singer himself were thwarted when she told him that his voice was not good enough.

After graduating from Washington College where his father, James W. Cain served as president, in 1910, he began working as a journalist for The Baltimore Sun.

He was drafted into the United States Army and spent the final year of World War I in France writing for an Army magazine. On his return to the United States he continued working as a journalist, writing editorials for the New York World and articles for American Mercury. He also served briefly as the managing editor of The New Yorker, but later turned to screenplays and finally to fiction.

Although Cain spent many years in Hollywood working on screenplays, his name only appears on the credits of three films, Algiers, Stand Up and Fight, and Gypsy Wildcat.

His first novel (he had already published Our Government in 1930), The Postman Always Rings Twice was published in 1934. Two years later the serialized, in Liberty Magazine, Double Indemnity was published.

He made use of his love of music and of the opera in particular in at least three of his novels: Serenade (about an American opera singer who loses his voice and who, after spending part of his life south of the border, re-enters the States illegally with a Mexican prostitute in tow), Mildred Pierce (in which, as part of the subplot, the only daughter of a successful businesswoman trains as an opera singer) and Career in C Major (a short semi-comic novel about the unhappy husband of an aspiring opera singer who unexpectedly discovered that he has a better voice than she does).

He continued writing up to his death at the age of 85. His last three published works, The Baby in the Icebox (1981), Cloud Nine (1984) and The Enchanted Isle (1985) being published posthumously. However, the many novels he published from the late 1940s onward never quite rivaled his earlier successes.


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I still enjoy the novel even though I‘ve seen two versions of film adaptations previously. It's a truly vintage noir treasure about sexual obsession and murder mystery (which is totally my type of tea). I can sense their twisted true love, and most importantly I feel sorry for them.




学到一大堆俚语 主万能把这些花样翻新的美国脏话译出来也不容易哟!


I still enjoy the novel even though I‘ve seen two versions of film adaptations previously. It's a truly vintage noir treasure about sexual obsession and murder mystery (which is totally my type of tea). I can sense their twisted true love, and most importantly I feel sorry for them.






最近看完的两本小说真是天差地别的风格。茨威格的《心灵的焦灼》讲的是一件非常简单甚至是普通的故事,但是他把每一时刻都解剖成无数的心理小组织,简直是一个细胞一个细胞地描述,把化简为繁做到极致了,简直是一个心理学的微观世界。 《邮差总按两遍铃》写的是一个足以传播N...  


翻译差、导读差,后记的话好歹是不拗口的,但导读跟后记除了每人各回顾了一遍作者的生平,就没有实质内容了。 不过还是感谢导读的括号小标题”“注:不想知道小说剧情及相关细节的读者请在读完小说后再阅读此文”。谢天谢地!幸好没有先看生抬附会的描述啊,阿门! 故事本身...  


“我不知道我干嘛把门锁上了。” “我也忘了把它打开。” 在《邮差总按两遍铃》中,这是最让我印象深刻的一段对话:这短短两句话里就包含了男女勾搭的一切秘密。即使没有上下文的背景,明眼人也一眼就能看出这两人的心照不宣和各怀鬼胎。口是心非的乐趣和互相试探之后的默契,...  


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