图书标签: OscarWilde 戏剧 王尔德 英国文学 英文原版 英国 Wilde 文学
Lady Windermere's Fan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
There is not a GOOD woman in London who would not applaud me. We have been too lax. We must make an example. I propose to begin to-night. [Picking up fan.] Yes, you gave me this fan to-day; it was your birthday present. If that woman crosses my threshold, I shall strike her across the face with it.
王尔德的<温夫人的扇>, 对白妙语连珠, 情节扣人心弦!
评分I thought I had no heart. I find I have, and a heart doesn't suit me, Windermere.
评分couldn't be better.
评分I thought I had no heart. I find I have, and a heart doesn't suit me, Windermere.
《Lady Windermere's fan》篇幅不长,但引人入胜。老王真是天生的戏剧家,全篇妙语连珠,起承转合恰到好处。剧中对婚姻的讽刺以及对于好女人坏女人的划分给出了一个全新的视角。太多经典之处令人拍案叫绝,当时在图书馆读的时候差点大笑出声来。 “Wicked women bother one.Go...
评分篇幅不长,读到第二幕结束的时候终于引起我的兴趣, 大概两个小时就读完了原版,脑子里时不时浮现出电影<importance of being earnest>里的英国强调。豆瓣上其他的评论我不认同,都扯的太远了,王尔德的文字令人赏心悦目,这个只是个小品而已。唯一莫名其妙的是温夫人母亲的年...
评分 评分诸多“醒世名言”的出处 CECIL GRAHAM History is merely gossip. But scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. LORD DARLINGTON We all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. DUMBY In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getti...
评分在上班的时候闲极无聊看的,只因为听easy FM里的DJ在讲解,好奇,拿来一看简直惊喜。千万要看英文原版,译著总是会丢失点什么的。 对王尔德的认识是从关于他个人的一部传记电影开始,这个天才,真是亮瞎了几个时代,甚至到现在。 说说这部喜剧,对白精炼到让人想不断拍手叫好的...
Lady Windermere's Fan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024