图书标签: 克鲁泡特金 俄@克鲁泡特金 [社会学] 齐·剑桥政治思想史原著系列(影印本)(中国政法大学出版社) 面包 非图书馆 哲学 П.А.Кропо́ткин
“面包的征服”及其他著作 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
《"面包的征服"及其他著作》主要内容:The Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin was the world`s foremost spodesman of anarchism at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries.The Conquest of Bread is his most detailed description of the ideal society ,embodying anarchist communism,and of the social revolution that was to achieve it.Marshall Shatz`s introduction to this edition traces Kropotkin`s evolution as an anarchist from his origins in the Russian aristocracy to his disllusionment with the Russian Revolution,and the volume also includes a hitherto untranslated chapter from his clallic Memeoirs of a Revolutionist,which contains colourful character - sketches of some of his fellow anarchists,as well as an article he wrote summarizing the history of anarchism ,and some of his views on the Revolution.
MARSHALL.S.SHATZ,is Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.His Publications include Soviet Dissent in Historical Perspective (Cambridge,1980),Jan Wadaw Machajski:A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism (Pittsburgh,1989),and an edition of Bakunin s Statism and Anarchy for this series(Cambridge,1990).
1874 年, 俄罗斯圣彼得堡出现一个奇怪的演说家, 他自称鲍罗廷, 三天两头跑到圣彼德堡的广场上, 鼓动人们起来革命。谁也不知道这个家伙的真实身份, 只知道他有时一身农民打扮, 有时又装扮得像个刚下班的工人, 到处散发自己写的小册子,发表煽动性演说。圣彼得堡的居民们都在议论这个奇怪的演说家和他的“ 无政府主义” 学说。
俄国政府决心制止这位无法无天的“ 鲍罗廷”。可是当秘密警察费了九牛二虎之力将其逮捕的时候, 沙皇和宫中所有的人们惊讶得差点连下巴都掉下来了, 原来这位煽动革命的家伙竟然就是沙皇的贴身侍卫, 大名鼎鼎的克鲁泡特金王子。
评分 评分任何有同情心的人,必然会像克鲁泡特金一样对我们的世界提出质疑:今天我们这个世界物质丰富而繁荣,怎么还会有吃不饱肚子的穷人?怎么还有像蒋贵英(1)这样令人心塞的情形?我们可以一边看到,像王健林、马云、马化腾这样一些人的财产可以达几百亿;另一边,蒋贵英这样的穷人,...
“面包的征服”及其他著作 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024