图书标签: 日本 历史 IanBuruma 日本研究 东亚研究 Japan English 非虚构
Inventing Japan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In a single short book as elegant as it is wise, Ian Buruma makes sense of the most fateful span of Japan’s history, the period that saw as dramatic a transformation as any country has ever known. In the course of little more than a hundred years from the day Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in his black ships, this insular, preindustrial realm mutated into an expansive military dictatorship that essentially supplanted the British, French, Dutch, and American empires in Asia before plunging to utter ruin, eventually emerging under American tutelage as a pseudo-Western-style democracy and economic dynamo.
What explains the seismic changes that thrust this small island nation so violently onto the world stage? In part, Ian Buruma argues, the story is one of a newly united nation that felt it must play catch-up to the established Western powers, just as Germany and Italy did, a process that involved, in addition to outward colonial expansion, internal cultural consolidation and the manufacturing of a shared heritage. But Japan has always been both particularly open to the importation of good ideas and particularly prickly about keeping their influence quarantined, a bipolar disorder that would have dramatic consequences and that continues to this day. If one book is to be read in order to understand why the Japanese seem so impossibly strange to many Americans, Inventing Japan is surely it.
From the Hardcover edition.
伊恩•布鲁玛(Ian Buruma),生于荷兰海牙。曾担任《远东经济评论》和《旁观者》杂志记者,为《纽约时报》《新闻周刊》等报刊撰写关于亚洲的政治和文化评论,并曾任教于牛津、哈佛、普林斯顿、格罗宁根等大学。现为《纽约书评》主编、纽约巴德学院保罗•威廉斯教席之民主、人权和新闻学教授。出版的著作有《零年:1945现代世界诞生的时刻》《罪孽的报应:德国和日本的战争记忆》《日本之镜:日本文化中的英雄与恶人》《残忍的剧场》等。2008年被授予“伊拉斯谟奖”以表彰他“在欧洲对文化、社会或社会科学做出的重要贡献”,同年以其卓越的著作帮助美国读者理解亚洲的复杂性而获得“肖伦斯特新闻奖”。2008年和2010年被《外交政策》杂志列入“全球顶尖思想家”。
倪韬,1985年出生,毕业于复旦大学国际政治系,法学学士,现从事新闻工作,任英文报纸Shanghai Daily评论员。
The price of pacifism is a total dependency on others to defend you. Whenever Japan took a path counter to the U.S., the country suffered; and whenever the two countries worked together closely, Japan prospered. “I look forward to the day when Japanese free themselves and can finally bid the black ships farewell, because they no longer need them.”
评分蛮不错的一本小书 结合着日本经济史看更有意思
作为方法的日本 文:许知远 《创造日本:1853-1964》(导读) 1. “在黄子成书十年,久谦让不流通,令中国人寡知日本,不鉴不备,不患不悚,以至今日也”,在为黄遵宪的《日本国志》撰写的后序中,梁启超这样感慨。 这是1897年末,距离中日甲午战争结束不过两年。在这场战争中...
评分自 1853 年明治维新以来,日本经过短短一百年的发展,迅速成为亚洲第一个工业化国家,完成文明开化并建立民主制度,而且一度强盛到可以跟美国叫板。1964 年的东京奥运会是一个标志性事件,向世界展示了一个巅峰时期的现代化日本。 那么问题来了:现代日本到底是怎么来的? 如果...
评分 评分自 1853 年明治维新以来,日本经过短短一百年的发展,迅速成为亚洲第一个工业化国家,完成文明开化并建立民主制度,而且一度强盛到可以跟美国叫板。1964 年的东京奥运会是一个标志性事件,向世界展示了一个巅峰时期的现代化日本。 那么问题来了:现代日本到底是怎么来的? 如果...
Inventing Japan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025