What the Dog Saw pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Over the past decade, Malcolm Gladwell has become the most gifted and influential journalist in America. In The New Yorker, his writings are such must-reads that the magazine charges advertisers significantly more money for ads that run within his articles. With his #1 bestsellers, The Tipping Point , Blink and Outliers , he has reached millions of readers. And now the very best and most famous of his New Yorker pieces are collected in a brilliant and provocative anthology. Among the pieces: his investigation into why there are so many different kinds of mustard but only one kind of ketchup; a surprising assessment of what makes for a safer automobile; a look at how we hire when we can't tell who's right for the job; an examination of machine built to predict hit movies; the reasons why homelessness might be easier to solve than manage; his famous profile of inventor and entrepreneur Ron Popeil; a look at why employers love personality tests; a dissection of Ivy League admissions and who gets in; the saga of the quest to invent the perfect cookie; and a look at hair dye and the hidden history of postwar America.
For the millions of Malcolm Gladwell fans, this anthology is like a greatest hits compilation-a mix tape from America's alpha mind
【加】马尔科姆•格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)被《快公司》誉为“21世纪的彼得•德鲁克”,曾是《华盛顿邮报》商务科学专栏作家,目前是《纽约客》杂志专职作家。2005年被《时代》周刊评为全球最有影响力的100位人物之一。他的代表作品《引爆点》、《异类》、《眨眼之间》均创造了书市神话。《纽约时报》更是把格拉德威尔对社会思潮的影响称为“格拉德威尔效应”(Gladwell Effect)。
评分1. 暴富 英雄,就是那些做到了我们想去做却没有胆量做的人. 行动之前,请审视下,自己有没有承担最坏结果的能力和勇气. 2.真实的色彩 在世俗的眼光下, 做任何事都需要给出合理的理由. 幸好,"理由"就想"借口", 要想总归是有的. 3约翰洛克的错误 原来避孕药是个男人发明出来的. ...
评分用另一双眼睛看透这疯狂的世界,感受奇妙的生活和美丽人生。我着实是被此句话吸引了,所以以期待的心情,感受着另一双眼睛所看到的世界。 一定是我头发太长了,所以见识少。所以看的时候会有点费解,果然是不一样的眼睛看到不一样的世界!全书分了三部分,每部分根据真实的事件...
评分What the dog saw,我译做《狗之所见》,乃是Malcolm Gladwell为《纽约客》撰写的专栏文章之合集,计有十九篇。Gladwell是《纽约客》的签约作家,之前出过三本书,即Ourliers、Blink和《引爆点》(The Tipping Point),都有大名,尤其是最后一本。不过我久已不看英文书,就这...
What the Dog Saw pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025