图书标签: 金融 估值 投资 麦肯锡 管理咨询 管理 商业 原版
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The number one guide to corporate valuation is back and better than ever Thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect business conditions in today's volatile global economy, Valuation, Fifth Edition continues the tradition of its bestselling predecessors by providing up-to-date insights and practical advice on how to create, manage, and measure the value of an organization. Along with all new case studies that illustrate how valuation techniques and principles are applied in real-world situations, this comprehensive guide has been updated to reflect new developments in corporate finance, changes in accounting rules, and an enhanced global perspective. Valuation, Fifth Edition is filled with expert guidance that managers at all levels, investors, and students can use to enhance their understanding of this important discipline. Contains strategies for multi-business valuation and valuation for corporate restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions Addresses how you can interpret the results of a valuation in light of a company's competitive situation Also available: a book plus CD-ROM package (978-0-470-42469-8) as well as a stand-alone CD-ROM (978-0-470-42457-7) containing an interactive valuation DCF model Valuation, Fifth Edition stands alone in this field with its reputation of quality and consistency. If you want to hone your valuation skills today and improve them for years to come, look no further than this book.
评分外国人说话还是老样子,一件事情正着说一遍,反着说一遍,没听懂的话再给你举俩例子。不过讲道理的话,很好的一本书。Part 2推荐多读几遍。
无非两个原因:1. 读原版的吃力; 2. 读不懂原版的…… 总结起来,就一个原因:时间成本。 因为读者的时间成本高,因此译作的价值便水涨船高。所以,翻译工作者们,你们才可以胡编乱造!比如第七章调整报表部分,有些文字和图表内容(数据)对不上,按我猜测,图表是新的,文字...
评分《价值评估》这本书,之前实习读时津津有味,不再实习后,便再没翻过。这几天因为面试,又再翻了一遍,发觉这书真的如初见般让人喜爱。 估值的方法有很多,《价值评估》所推崇的ROIC估值法只是其中一种,它可能是最好的估值方法,可能不是。不论怎样,这本书都值得认真研读,因...
评分内容:★★★★★ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★★☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 无论是进行价值投资,还是价格投机,公司价值评估都是基本面分析中的一个重要部分。只有尽可能精确的确定了目标公司的价值,才能评估公司的可持续发展性,或公司股票价格的高低。 这本书的背景是麦肯锡...
评分blog地址: shop60666385.taobao.com/ http://www.docin.com/Bill0506
评分专业书籍,很难通篇仔细读,几个有意思的点: 书里举了一个非常好的例子来说明为什么投资股票跟赌博是一样一样的。 关于股票的价值,最靠谱的理论是预期未来收益的现值。你10块钱买了公司的股票,这个价格显然高于公司目前的盈利情况,所以它反映的是公司的预期未来收益按照折...
Valuation pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024