Orlando Furioso pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The appearance of David R. Slavitt's translation of "Orlando Furioso" ("Mad Orlando"), one of the great literary achievements of the Italian Renaissance, is a publishing event. With this lively new verse translation, Slavitt introduces readers to Ariosto's now neglected masterpiece - a poem whose impact on Western literature can scarcely be exaggerated. It was a major influence on Spenser's Faerie Queene. William Shakespeare borrowed one of its plots. Voltaire called it the equal of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Don Quixote combined. More recently, Italo Calvino drew inspiration from it. Borges was a fan. Now, through translations of generous selections from this longest of all major European poems, Slavitt brings the poem to life in ways previous translators have not. At the heart of Ariosto's romance are Orlando's unrequited love for the pagan princess Angelica and his jealous rage when she elopes. The action takes place against a besieged Paris, as Charlemagne and his Christian paladins defend the city against the Saracen king. The poem, however, obeys no geography or rules but its own, as the story moves by whim from Japan to the Hebrides to the moon; it includes such imaginary creatures as the hippogriff and a sea monster called the orc. "Orlando Furioso" is Dante's medieval universe turned upside down and made comic. Characterized by satire, parody, and irony, the poem celebrates a new humanistic Renaissance conception of man in an utterly fantastical world. Slavitt's translation captures the energy, comedy, and great fun of Ariosto's Italian.
[意]盧多維科•阿裏奧斯托Ludovico Ariosto(1474—1533),意大利文藝復興時期的著名詩人。長詩《瘋狂的奧蘭多》是他的代錶作,將充滿神話色彩的騎士冒險故事同現實生活事件編織在一起,使敘事與抒情、悲劇因素和喜劇因素、嚴肅與詼諧融為一體,對歐洲的敘事長詩産生瞭深遠影響。
[法]古斯塔夫•多雷Gustave Doré(1832—1883),19 世紀法國著名的版畫傢、雕刻傢和插畫傢,有“最後的浪漫派畫傢”之稱,其繪畫如同“漂浮在夢幻中”,對後繼者影響深遠。他為《聖經》以及拉伯雷、巴爾紮剋、但丁、彌爾頓、塞萬提斯等人的作品所作的插圖贏得無數贊譽,堪稱插圖史上一座座令人嘆為觀止的高峰。
趙文偉,知名譯者,精通英文、意大利文和西班牙文。已齣版譯著 30 餘部,如《瘋狂的奧蘭多》《毛姆傳:毛姆的秘密生活》《歌劇魅影》等。
評分 評分奥兰多并非唯一的主角,贯穿全书的尚有与奥兰多齐名的瑞那多、际遇不凡的艾斯多弗、英勇多情的罗吉耶洛以及两位不让须眉的巾帼英雄:至情至性的布莱德梦和威震中东的女战士玛菲莎。这几位主人翁除了拥有过人的武艺及勇气外,在保家卫国、为护教而战的过程中,更不断发生奇遇、...
Orlando Furioso pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025