圖書標籤: 哲學 叔本華 y. Philosophy HH (English)
The World as Will and Idea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: 48 ) CHAPTER XXIV. ON MATTER. Matter has already been spoken of in the fourth chapter of the supplements to the first book, when we were considering the part of our knowledge of which we are conscious a priori. But it could only be considered there from a one-sided point of view, because we were then concerned merely with its relation to the forms of our intellect, and not to the thing in itself, and therefore we investigated it only from the subjective side, i.e., so far as it is an idea, and not from the objective side, i.e., with regard to what it may be in itself. In the first respect, our conclusion was that it is objective activity in general, yet conceived without fuller determination; therefore it takes the place of causality in the table of our a priori knowledge which is given there. For what is material is that which acts (the actual) in general, and regarded apart from the specific nature of its action. Hence also matter, merely as such, is not an object of perception, but only of thought, and thus is really au abstraction. It only comes into perception in connection with form and quality, as a body, i.e., as a fully determined kind of activity. It is only by abstracting from this fuller determination that we think of matter as such, i.e., separated from form and quality; consequently under matter we think of acting absolutely and in general, thus of activity in the abstract. The more fully determined acting we then conceive as the accident of matter; but only by means of this does matter become preceptible, i.e., present itself as a body and an object of experience. Pure matter, on the other hand, which, as I have shown in the Criticism of the Kantian Philosophy, alone constitutes the true and admissible content of the conception of substance, is causality...
我讀的是林建國翻譯、自費印行的版本,書名為 《意志和表象的世界》,台灣只有這本是全譯本。林建國譯書不多,都深受讀者喜愛,他另有尼釆的《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》及赫曼赫塞的 散文集《輕微的喜悅》等譯本,目前旅居瑞典 。
評分或問曰:叔本華此書乃佛氏之語乎?餘應之曰:唯唯,否否。叔本華思想之兩大根源乃康得哲學與印度哲學,且受《奧義書》影響甚深。 佛學苦、集、滅、道(痛苦的現象、原因、解脫境界以及解脫方法)于叔本 華學說中均有對應之部分。其悲觀氣質 與佛教對塵世之痛苦的描述頗相...
評分1."世界是我的表象,世界亦即是我的意志" 叔本华的哲学观点,总体就归为这一句箴言。 世界是我的表象,即作为体现意志的主体,个体生命之外的整个世界都是虚幻的,不真实的幻象。 世界亦即是我的意志,是因为这除去主体之外的世界,即表象并不是无缘无故没有意义地存在的。 它...
The World as Will and Idea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025