圖書標籤: Islam DavidPawson Christian
The Challenge of Islam to Christians (Hodder Christian Books) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Challenge of Islam to Christians is David Pawson's most important - and most controversial - prophetic message to date. Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth has created a spiritual vacuum in the United Kingdom. David Pawson believes Islam is far better equipped than the Church to move into that gap and it will not be long before it becomes the country's dominant religion. Based on the audio and video recordings on which he first announced his message, this book unpacks and explains the background behind Pawson's claims, and - crucially - sets out a positive blueprint for the Church's response. Christians must rediscover and demonstrate to society the three qualities that make Christianity unique: Reality, Relationship and Righteousness.
大衛.鮑森 牧師 David Pawson
委身於一個建造英國和其他國傢教會領袖的巡迴事工,以淵博紮實的聖經知識和超卓的洞見,砥礪信徒迴歸聖經、實踐真理,是馳名國際、備受推崇的聖經教師。他的著作等身,包括:《一次得救、永遠得救?》、《新約中的以色列》、《公義的神與公義的福音》、《你一定要認識的基督信仰》、《如何帶領初信者:屬靈接生學》、《當耶穌再來》、《通往地獄的不歸路》、《神為何容許天災發生?》、《約翰福音三章16節是福音嗎?》、《男人當傢》(以上中文版皆由以琳書房齣版)。另有廣受好評的聖經教學DVD:「新約縱覽」、「舊約縱覽」(GOOD TV好消息衛星電視颱齣品)。
The Challenge of Islam to Christians (Hodder Christian Books) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025