圖書標籤: 小說 外國文學 英文原版 The_Strain_Trilogy 科幻 英文原著 英文 恐怖
The Strain pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The visionary creator of the Academy Award-winning Pan's Labyrinth and a Hammett Award-winning author bring their imaginations to this bold, epic novel about a horrifying battle between man and vampire that threatens all humanity. It is the first installment in a thrilling trilogy and an extraordinary international publishing event.
The Strain
They have always been here. Vampires. In secret and in darkness. Waiting. Now their time has come.
In one week, Manhattan will be gone. In one month, the country.
In two months--the world.
A Boeing 777 arrives at JFK and is on its way across the tarmac, when it suddenly stops dead. All window shades are pulled down. All lights are out. All communication channels have gone quiet. Crews on the ground are lost for answers, but an alert goes out to the CDC. Dr. Eph Goodweather, head of their Canary project, a rapid-response team that investigates biological threats, gets the call and boards the plane. What he finds makes his blood run cold.
In a pawnshop in Spanish Harlem, a former professor and survivor of the Holocaust named Abraham Setrakian knows something is happening. And he knows the time has come, that a war is brewing . . .
So begins a battle of mammoth proportions as the vampiric virus that has infected New York begins to spill out into the streets. Eph, who is joined by Setrakian and a motley crew of fighters, must now find a way to stop the contagion and save his city--a city that includes his wife and son--before it is too late.
吉爾莫·德爾·托羅(Guillermo Del Toro)
好萊塢著名的鬼纔導演,金牌編劇。1993年以《魔鬼銀爪》一鳴驚人,之後陸續執導《刀鋒戰士》、《地獄怪客》、《潘神的迷宮》等多部電影,其中《潘神的迷宮》以魔幻綺麗的童話風格,席捲奧斯卡金像奬、英國演藝學院奬、西班牙哥雅奬等全球各大奬項。2013年編導的《環太平洋》在全球熱映,獲得極佳票房成績。曾與《魔戒》大導演彼得 ‧傑剋森閤作,成為《霍比特人》編劇之一。 其作品素以獨特的影像風格直探人心深層的恐懼。
查剋·霍根(Chuck Hogan)
美國小說傢,寫過許多受歡迎的作品,包括《僵局》和《竊盜城》。其中《竊盜城》,不但贏得2005年“漢密特奬”,更是被故事大師史蒂芬 ‧金列為該年度的十大小說之一,並已被改編拍成電影,備受好評。
譯者 葉妍伶
評分A tech/med savvy vampire/zombie novel, serving as a post-9/11 political allegory. It's horrifying because it's so sober and patient with the details and real human anatomy that it feels as though vampiric virus could actually exist and transmit. It also resembles Michael Crichton's Prey in many ways. Not a bad debut effort for GDT.
評分感覺沒有比一本小說結束時的劇情更加坑爹的瞭,不知道電視劇會不會照搬。 Eph,瓦西裏,當鋪老頭兒和Sardu終極大對決的時候,眼瞅著Sardu被Eph砍傷,被陽光直射,處於虛弱狀態的時候,Eph不乘勝追擊把Sardu乾掉,而是去救在一邊倒地奄奄一息的當鋪老頭兒~我去!!!真替男主智商捉急!!!!最後老頭倒瞭一口氣~活瞭~~媽蛋!!Sardu跑瞭!!!!!!!坑爹的是第二本開頭當鋪老頭兒又不行瞭~blahblah一堆死前的遺憾~你要是第一本就死瞭~Sardu不也就死瞭~~
評分这本小说,吸引我阅读的有如下几个要素: 1、《潘神的迷宫》导演。 导演另外的名作《环太平洋》,我不是非常熟悉,但《迷宫》,一直以为是非常棒的作品,片中对诡异风格的把控,对青春的解读 ,令人难忘。加之,这是导演亲自唯一(?是否唯一,待考)创作的小说,怎能不读? ...
評分在《血族》中,吸血鬼寻找受害者的方式首先基于“爱”,吉尔莫•德尔•托罗表示:“吸血鬼活得越久,他们的人性就会消失得越多。”在我的故事中,那些吸血鬼要杀掉的第一个人,将会是他们所爱的人。” 这应该是好莱坞知名导演吉尔莫•德尔•托罗的作品首次引进大陆。小...
評分The Strain pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025