圖書標籤: 哲學 亞裏士多德 西方思想寶庫 古希臘 西方哲學 Aristotle (English) amber
Metaphysics - Aristotle pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Metaphysics begins with sketching the history of philosophy. For Aristotle, philosophy arose historically after basic necessities were secured. Metaphysics is Aristotle's version of philosophy examining the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Aristotle argues that there are a handful of universal truths. Aristotle's works have influenced science, religion, and philosophy for nearly two thousand years. He could be thought of as the father of logical thought. Aristotle wrote: "There is nothing in the intellect that was not first in the senses." He wrote that everything that is learned in life is learned through sensory perception. Aristotle was the first to establish the founding principle of logic. The great writer Dante called Aristotle "The Master of those who know."
評分難 難 難
評分膜拜完畢 wrestling with substance
評分膜拜完畢 wrestling with substance
亚里士多德在本书中从本体论角度重点批判了柏拉图理念说与毕德哥拉斯学派的数论,厘清了哲学的基本问题,追问何为“是”,何为“一”,可以看成是亚里士多德哲学建立的基石,即回答了何为哲学和哲学何为两个根本问题。(注:由于输入法,重音有错误处,还请自行查对) 一、希腊...
評分被各种范畴、定义和名词搞昏头的一本书,我尽量把自己能看懂的部分再梳理一下: 第一,全书讨论的目的应该是所谓的“第一原因”、“实体”。根据推论这种东西不应当是变动的,所以他应当是永恒的、不动的、独立存在的。作者大胆承认对此的认识是不够的,且也是人的能力所不能及...
評分 評分 評分当我们失去了动力,激情,欲望,不是我们身体的故障。而是我们已渐渐丧失咀嚼抽象概念的能力。所有人都宣布他们拥有的童年是幸福的(少数人的不幸童年仅仅是童年等同于幸福的反证。正如人本质上能看能听,我们才能瞎能聋一般),这种幸福感,各人有各自的解读,这些解读又大致...
Metaphysics - Aristotle pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025