Maverick! pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
From Library Journal First published in Brazil in 1988 as Turning the Tables , this book was the all-time best-selling nonfiction book in Brazil's history. Semler, the 34-year-old CEO, or "counselor," of Semco, a Brazilian manufacturing firm, describes how he turned his successful company into a "natural business" in which employees hire and evaluate their bosses, dress however they want, participate in major decisions, and share in 22 percent of the profits. Semler believes that Semco is different from most companies that have participatory management because employees are given the power to make decisions--even ones, with which the CEO wouldn't normally agree. Semler claims, "This is not a business book. It is a book about work, and how it can be changed for the better." Highly recommended.- Mark McCullough, Heterick Lib. , Ohio Northern Univ. , AdaCopyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Booklist What makes for a successful company? In a sometimes breathless, often boyish manner, Semler, a counselor of a Brazilian company (Semco), relates the transformation of a traditionally structured business into one quite literally without walls and rules. Semler details his not-so-easy steps in the metamorphosis: abolishing dress codes and regulations; decentralizing plants; getting rid of paperwork and titles (hence, his appellation as counselor, not CEO); and creating a consultative democracy in which employees set their own salaries and work hours and vote on managerial candidates, among other responsibilities. If it sounds too much like utopia, Semler admits that Brazil's economic downturn has impacted Semco and that, yes, being born with a silver spoon certainly colors his vision. Nonetheless, his is a philosophy that merits some serious thought by managers and workers alike. Barbara Jacobs See all Editorial Reviews
● 他是一个富二代,接班后成功重塑了塞氏企业。
● 他推动员工自主管理,自定薪酬,自定工作时间。
● 在极其恶劣的商业环境中,他对腐败零容忍。
● 他推动组织变革,让企业组织的金字塔旋转起来。
● 他推动员工自主创业,将塞氏公司变成平台企业。
● 他对未来有更长远的目标,在巴西创办了新式教育机构。
● 他是世界经济论坛遴选出的“全球未来领袖”,被民众票选为“巴西年度领袖”。
● 从重塑企业到重塑自我,再到重塑社会,这个曾经的摇滚青年是如何做到的?
从没有一家企业,以如此民主的方式取得如此快速的发展; 从没有一个企业家,这样特立独行,摒弃所有已知的管理模式; 从没有一本商业书籍,让人们对工作如此充满渴望,对未来寄予希望。 塞姆勒及其企业的传奇故事让我们的编辑部为之兴奋与抓狂。 光是书名我们就争执了几个星期...
评分当当上加精的书评是我的。 直到现在还是很相信这样子的企业会成功。 一直记得书中提到,当大家商量决定如何分配年终奖(不是固定工资),最后的结论是平均分配。太。。。太英明了!让所有人成为既得利益者,并不是按级别,贡献或岗位分配,这样就有效地减少臃肿机构的可能性...
评分一直以为这样的乌托邦式企业是不存在的,或者是昙花一现,不可能长久,当看到赛赛企业传奇这本书的时候,我脑海里浮现的第一个问题就是:这家企业现在如何?一个在专制环境下生活久了的人,对民主总是会抱着怀疑的态度。 随着互联网的发展,越来越多的企业开始打破金字塔式的管...
Maverick! pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025