The Guinness Book of Records, 1993 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
THE<br >F-<br >mo~d luminous object iI~ the ~kv the city is 60,4(10mpb faster than this nhumhmees of heavy elements wherea~<br >qut~sm" 118 1941~ -~ 71;58, wlfich is at least average, ret~ching 552,400 mph. later generation stars (such as m,r own<br > Sun) have higher heavy element abun-<br >1.5 ~ 10" times more luminous than the Largest, heaviest and moat lumi- dances because of a build-up of such<br >Sun, was announced in July 1991 follow- nolle The largest star is the M-class elements in galaxies from the successive<br >ing the Hamburg Survey of northern supergiant Betelgeux (Alpha Orionis<br >quasars. This quasar has a red shift of the top left star of Orion), which is 310 explosions of supernova stars.<br >3.02 and is therefore at a distance of light years distant. It has a diameter of Pulsars The earliest observation of a<br >12,400million light years (7.3 x 10~ 400 million miles, which is about 500 pulsating radio source, or "pulsar," CP<br >milem), times greater than that of the Sun. In 1919 (now PSR 1919 + 21), by Dr docelyn<br >The first double quasar (0957 + 561) 1978 it was found to be surrounded not Burnell (nee Bell, b. 1943) was<br >among well over 2000 known quasars onlybyadust"shell"butalsobyanouter announced from the Mullard Radio<br >was announced in May 1980. tenuous gas halo up to 5.3 ~ 10~ miles Astronomy Observatory, Cambridge-<br > in diameter or over 1,100 times the dia- shire, Great Britain on 24 Feb 1968. It<br >The most violent outburst observed in a meter of the star. had been detected on 28 Nov 1907.<br >quasar was recorded on 13 Nov 1989 by a<br >joint US~Japanese team which noted The heaviest star is the variable Eta For pulsars whose spin rates have been<br >that the energy output of the quasar Carinae, 9,100 light years distant in the accurately measured, the fastest-<br >pKS 0558-504 (which is about 2 billion Carinae Nebula, with a mass 200 times spinning is PSR 1937 + 214, which was<br >light years distant) increased by two* greater than that of our own Sun. If all discovered by a group led by Donald C.<br >thirds in three minutes, equivalent to the tars could be viewed at the same Backer in November 1982. It is in the<br >the total energy released by the Sun in distance it would also be the most lumi- minor constellation Vulpecula (the<br >340,000 years, nous star, with a total luminosity Little Fox), 16,000 light years (9.4 ~<br > 6,500,000 times that of the Sun. How- 10~niles) distant, and has a pulse<br >STARS ever, the visually brightest star viewed period of 1.557806449 millisee, which is<br >The first direct measurement of the dis- through a telescope is the hypergiant equivalent to a spin rate of 541.9282573<br >tuner of a star was made in 1838 when Cygnus OB2 No. 12, which is 5,900 light revolutions per sec. However, the pulsar<br >Friedrich W. Bassel (1784-1846) of the years distant. It has an absolute visual that has the slowest spin-down rate, and<br >KSnigsberg Observatory, Germany used magnitude of - 9.9 and is therefore visu- is therefore the most. accurate stellar<br > ally810,000timesbrighterthantheSun, clock is PSR 1855 + 09 (discovered in<br >the parallax method to measure the This brightness may be matched by the December 1985) at only 2.1 ~ 10 z~ sec<br >distance ofS1 Cygni to be about six light supergiant IV b 59 in the nearby galaxy per sec.<br >years (modern value 11.08 light Messier 101. During the year 1843 the<br >years), absolute luminosity and absolute visual Brightest and latest supernova<br > The brightest supernova ever seen in<br >Neo~$ Except for the special case of brightness of Eta Carinae temporarily historic times is believed to be SN 1006,<br >ourown~un, theneareststaristhevery increased to values 60 and 70 million noted in April 1006 near Beta Lupi. It<br >faint Pl oxima Centauri, discovered in times the corresponding values for the flared for two years and attained a mag-<br >1915, Which :is 4.225 light years (25 Sun. nitude of -9 to -10. The remnant is<br >trflli0nanile~) away. Brightest (as seen from Earth) believed to be the radio source G.327.6 +<br >Theneare~~starvisibletothenakedeye Sirius A (Alpha Canis Majoris), also 14.5, nearly 3,000 light years distant.<br >is the :ll0utherla hemisphere binary known as the Dog Star, is the brightest Others have occurred in 1054,1604,1885,<br >All~ha.~cntauri, or Rigel Kentaurus starofthe5,776starsvisibletothenaked and most recently on 23 Feb 1987, when<br >(4.{15 "light ~gars distant), with an eye. It has an apparent magnitude of Inn Shelton sighted the one designated<br >apparent ,raagni~ude of -0.29. It was - 1.46 but because of the relative -69~202 in the Large Magellanic Cloud<br >di~eoy~ed :by Nicolas L. de Laeaille motions of this star and the Sun this 170,000 light years distant. This super-<br >(1~/i~ -~ ~g)~n.I). i762, By A.D. 29,700 this should rise to a maximum value of - 1.67 nova was visible to the naked eye when<br >binalg~ ~ii.r~aeh a minimum distance in about 61,000 years. Sirius is 8.64 light at its brightest in May 1987.<br >from.th~ ~h Of 2.84 light years and years distant and has a luminosity 26 Black holes The concept of super-<br >~holli~th~lt :1~ She second brightest star, times greater than that of the Sun. It has dense bodies was first proposed by the<br >with ,art apparent magnitude of a diameter of 1.45 million miles and a Marquis de LaPlace (1749-1827). This<br > -1.~0,;I. mass2.14tlmesthatoftheSun.Thofaint term for a star that has undergone<br >Fa~i~l~e Solar System, with its white dwarf companion Sirius B has a completegravitationalcollapsewasflrst<br > diameter of only 6,000 miles, which is used by John Archibald Wheeler at an<br >Sutl $ il~l~ie ~Htacipal planets, 61 satall- less than that of the Earth, but its mass Institute for Space Studies meeting in<br >iteBi~tl~t~rDid~ and comets, is located is slightly greater than that of the Sun. New York City on 29 Dec 1967.<br >in:ttt~r0t~r~regions of our Milky Way Sirius is in the constellation Canis<br >gala~y?9~i~i ngthoeentarofthegalaxy Major and is visible in the winter The first tentative identification of a<br >~t~t~tael~2cgefl001~ght y the of th thern hemisph blackhol dinD bet<br > ~lr, 1 i tric ty of 0.07. being due south at midnight on the last 1972 in the binary-star X-ray source<br >The,pl ~e~lt distance from the center is day of the year. Cygnus X-1.<br >27f100,iig~t years and it will reach the<br >minimulrla.!llstanee of 27,609 light years Youngest and oldest The youngest The best black hole candidate is the<br >(parig~la~tiean) in about 15 million stars appear to be two protostars known central star of the binary (or triple) star<br >years, o~the]ast day of the year. collectively as IRAS-4 buried deep in system V404,~s which is 5000 light years<br > (2.9 x 10 miles) distant in the constell-<br >TheMill~yWaygalaxyhasadlameterof dust clouds in the nebula NGC1333<br > which is 1100 light years 6.5 ~ 10~Smiles ation Cygnus and which first showed a<br >about r/0000 light years, so the m possible black hole signature as the<br >distant.hat will be at 66,700 light ye~rS~ distant, A d in May 1991 by a<br > combined British, German and Ameri- transient X-ray source GS 2023 + 338<br >when the Solar System is farthest from can team, these protostars will not blaze discovered by the Ginga satellite in May<br > the center (apagalacticon). At present forth as fully fledged stars for at least 1989. In September 1991 J. Casares, P.A.<br > the most distgnt stars are at 52 700 light another 100,000 years. Charles and T. Naylor firmly established<br > years. the mass as being greater than six times<br > The oldest stars in the galaxy have been that of the Sun (and more likely eight to<br > The present Orbital velocity of the Sun detected in the bale, high above the disc fifteen times) and for the first time<br > and a large number of nearby stars has of the Milky Way, by a group led by obtained a black hole candidate mass<br > boon av.f~ra~ed to 492,000 mph (the Timothy Beers (USA) that discovered 70 unequivocally above the maximum<br > "L0caiSt~ndard of Rest") which would such stars by January 1991 hut even- value of five solar masses for a neutron<br > lead~.an 0$bital period of 237 million tually expect to detect 500. These stars star. The masses of other black hole<br > years,~lgwever, the Sun s actual velo- are characterized by having the lowest candidates such as Cygnus X-I (see<br >
The Guinness Book of Records, 1993 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025