图书标签: 周恩來 传记 原版 傳記 英文原版 英國 歐洲 政治
Eldest Son pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This dramatic, admiring biography portrays Chinese Communist premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) as a coolheaded conciliator who tried to curb Mao Zedong's excesses and to introduce democratic reforms. Drawing on her 11 meetings with Zhou, untranslated Chinese sources, interviews and her many trips to China, Han Suyin, historian and novelist, maintains that Zhou, as early as 1948, devised a program for a mixed economy and, in the mid-1950s, attempted to introduce "something like perestroika , Chinese-style," with the Hundred Flowers Movement calling for free discussion and shared decision-making. According to the author, Zhou worked behind the scenes against Mao's Great Leap Forward (1958-1959) and returned countless peasants to their villages. While ostensibly supporting Mao's Cultural Revolution of the '60s, Zhou fought its excesses, saving the lives of many targeted victims, she shows. This vivid biography, filled with close-ups of Nixon, Kissinger, Chiang Kaishek, Stalin, Khrushchev and Deng Xiaoping, rewards with its insights into Beijing-Washington and Beijing-Moscow relations.
我只能说 刚开始看着繁琐 继而深入 记录文体没有太高的技术要求 叙事写人详略得当 知道最后书的末尾 看到抱病的他怀着满腔的遗憾不舍而去 泪目 在那个特殊的时代 风雨飘摇中尚且不能自保 还要分心照顾他人 可能是骨子里的长子意识让他一生都为他人而活 谦虚忍耐 严于律己 这种...
评分周恩来总理的伟大很难说是宣传的结果。在我所接触到的所有资料和经历中,都难以发现总理身上有值得指摘的地方。这本书总体来说也比较客观,很系统地反映了周总理的生平。 不得不说的是,也许是出于时代背景的原因,也有部分失实的内容,包括只字不提赫鲁晓夫用核技术交换毛泽...
评分我们谈恩来,不谈毛,不谈邓,不谈宁都会议,不谈遵义会议,不谈延安整风,我就单独谈文革。 对于文革,大部分人持两种看法。第一种人认为,他对于毛所犯下的错误没有给出及时的指出并纠正,没有遏制住这场空前绝后的灾难,负有不可推卸的责任。第二种人认为,他忍辱负重,保...
Eldest Son pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025