图书标签: 美国 小说 耶茨 美国文学 理查德·耶茨 弃读
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Hailed as “America’s finest realistic novelist” by the Boston Globe, Richard Yates, author of Revolutionary Road, garnered rare critical acclaim for his bracing, unsentimental portraits of middle-class American life . Disturbing the Peace is no exception. Haunting, troubling, and mesmerizing, it shines a brilliant, unwavering light into the darkest recesses of a man’s psyche.
To all appearances, John Wilder has all the trappings of success, circa 1960: a promising career in advertising, a loving family, a beautiful apartment, even a country home. John’s evenings are spent with associates at quiet Manhattan lounges and his weekends with friends at glittering cocktail parties. But something deep within this seemingly perfect life has long since gone wrong. Something has disturbed John’s fragile peace, and he can no longer find solace in fleeting affairs or alcohol. The anger, the drinking, and the recklessness are building to a crescendo—and they’re about to take down John’s career and his family. What happens next will send John on a long, strange journey—at once tragic and inevitable.
Richard Yates shone bright upon the publication of his first novel, Revolutionary Road, which was nominated for the National Book Award in 1961. It drew unbridled praise and branded Yates an important, new writer. Kurt Vonnegut claimed that Revolutionary Road was The Great Gatsby of his time. William Styron described it as "A deft, ironic, beautiful novel that deserves to be a classic." Tennessee Williams went one further and said, "Here is more than fine writing; here is what, added to fine writing, makes a book come immediately, intensely, and brilliantly alive. If more is needed to make a masterpiece in modern American fiction, I am sure I don't know what it is."
In 1962 Eleven Kinds of Loneliness was published, his first collection of short stories. It too had praise heaped upon it. Kurt Vonnegut said it was "the best short-story collection ever written by an American."
Yates' writing skills were further utilized when, upon returning from Los Angeles, he began working as a speechwriter for then-Senator Robert F. Kennedy until the assassination of JFK. From there he moved onto Iowa where, as a creative writing teacher, he would influence and inspire writers such as Andre Dubus and Dewitt Henry.
His third novel, Disturbing the Peace, was published in 1975. Perhaps his second most well-known novel, The Easter Parade, was published in 1976. The story follows the lives of the Grimes sisters and ends in typical Yatesian fashion, replicating the disappointed lives of Revolutionary Road.
However, Yates began to find himself as a writer cut adrift in a sea fast turning towards postmodernism; yet, he would stay true to realism. His heroes and influences remained the classics of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flaubert and short-story master, Chekov.
It was to his school and army days that Richard turned to for his next novel, A Good School, which was quickly followed by his second collection of short stories, Liars in Love. Young Hearts Crying emerged in 1984 followed two years later with Cold Spring Harbour, which would prove to be his final completed novel.
Like the fate of his hero, Flaubert, whose novel Madame Bovary influenced Revolutionary Road and The Easter Parade, Richard Yates' works are enjoying a posthumous renaissance, attracting newly devoted fans across the Atlantic and beyond.
评分【藏书阁】开始就能猜到结尾,酗酒这种陋习,正如潦倒的作者一样,是男主无法抗拒的诱惑。虽然已经是小有成就的中产,而且还靠自己的魅力阅女无数,渣男还是不满足于枯燥乏味的生活。他在阴差阳错进了精神病院以后,短暂的几天痛苦并没有让他放弃精神上的追求!终于他为了少年时的梦想抛妻弃子,和相好一同来到了好莱坞,然而梦想仍在路上,他已然再次崩溃!梦游一样地在人群中游走,那一段梦幻的心理描写难道不正是Yates自己的痛苦展现。终于曲终人散了,终于他又回到原点,而别人的生活还将继续...... 痴迷于Yates的所有小说,这大概是倒数第二本了!总是一样颓废的情节,总是一样黯淡的人生,似乎只有在痛苦的阅读体验中我们才能咀嚼出人生的真谛!
评分【藏书阁】开始就能猜到结尾,酗酒这种陋习,正如潦倒的作者一样,是男主无法抗拒的诱惑。虽然已经是小有成就的中产,而且还靠自己的魅力阅女无数,渣男还是不满足于枯燥乏味的生活。他在阴差阳错进了精神病院以后,短暂的几天痛苦并没有让他放弃精神上的追求!终于他为了少年时的梦想抛妻弃子,和相好一同来到了好莱坞,然而梦想仍在路上,他已然再次崩溃!梦游一样地在人群中游走,那一段梦幻的心理描写难道不正是Yates自己的痛苦展现。终于曲终人散了,终于他又回到原点,而别人的生活还将继续...... 痴迷于Yates的所有小说,这大概是倒数第二本了!总是一样颓废的情节,总是一样黯淡的人生,似乎只有在痛苦的阅读体验中我们才能咀嚼出人生的真谛!
评分【藏书阁】开始就能猜到结尾,酗酒这种陋习,正如潦倒的作者一样,是男主无法抗拒的诱惑。虽然已经是小有成就的中产,而且还靠自己的魅力阅女无数,渣男还是不满足于枯燥乏味的生活。他在阴差阳错进了精神病院以后,短暂的几天痛苦并没有让他放弃精神上的追求!终于他为了少年时的梦想抛妻弃子,和相好一同来到了好莱坞,然而梦想仍在路上,他已然再次崩溃!梦游一样地在人群中游走,那一段梦幻的心理描写难道不正是Yates自己的痛苦展现。终于曲终人散了,终于他又回到原点,而别人的生活还将继续...... 痴迷于Yates的所有小说,这大概是倒数第二本了!总是一样颓废的情节,总是一样黯淡的人生,似乎只有在痛苦的阅读体验中我们才能咀嚼出人生的真谛!
跟之前读过的理查德·耶茨都不太一样,虽然仍是婚姻、理想、精神困境的题材,仍是写实手法,但却不再有以往那种温存的叙述视角。小说的切入点和情节格外粗暴,甚至有些傲慢,令人想到索尔·贝娄知识分子似的愤世嫉俗,以及约翰·厄普代克小说中的道德混乱。 故事开场于主人公怀...
评分跟之前读过的理查德·耶茨都不太一样,虽然仍是婚姻、理想、精神困境的题材,仍是写实手法,但却不再有以往那种温存的叙述视角。小说的切入点和情节格外粗暴,甚至有些傲慢,令人想到索尔·贝娄知识分子似的愤世嫉俗,以及约翰·厄普代克小说中的道德混乱。 故事开场于主人公怀...
评分如果都像她一样,岂不是要乱套! 凤紫兮见唐浩宇不说话,讪讪地摸了摸鼻尖,嘟了嘟嘴,小声说道:“排长,只要你给我开小灶,我把你身体的暗疾治好怎样!”我阂陀亮姑斗独碳赝滩陨谈咨谡甘缘谋谪栈潞欧驮肪史碧然痪子籽朴退钢巧锹舱诓梁洗姆蠢寿杖陨承良抑兰毁滔赶加藕漳尤...
Disturbing the Peace pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025