圖書標籤: 曆史 奧斯曼帝國 土耳其 奧斯曼 中東研究 中東 政治史 英文原版
Partners of the Empire pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Partners of the Empire offers a radical rethinking of the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over this unstable period, the Ottoman Empire faced political crises, institutional shakeups, and popular insurrections. It responded through various reform options and settlements. New institutional configurations emerged; constitutional texts were codified—and annulled. The empire became a political theater where different actors struggled, collaborated, and competed on conflicting agendas and opposing interests. This book takes a holistic look at the era, interested not simply in central reforms or in regional developments, but in their interactions. Drawing on original archival sources, Ali Yaycioglu uncovers the patterns of political action—the making and unmaking of coalitions, forms of building and losing power, and expressions of public opinion. Countering common assumptions, he shows that the Ottoman transformation in the Age of Revolutions was not a linear transition from the old order to the new, from decentralized state to centralized, from Eastern to Western institutions, or from pre-modern to modern. Rather, it was a condensed period of transformation that counted many crossing paths, as well as dead-ends, all of which offered a rich repertoire of governing possibilities to be followed, reinterpreted, or ultimately forgotten.
Ali Yaycioglu is Assistant Professor of History at Stanford University.
評分把奧斯曼放到18世紀末全球性的秩序重建中,從秩序Order變化的角度看塞裏姆三世到馬哈穆德二世之間的曆史。作者認為17、18世紀帝國的地方顯貴ayan階層崛起,地方各個社群communities越來越多進行自下而上的參與。在此情況下,危機中的帝國試圖將地方的新秩序製度化。塞裏姆三世時期的一係列政治事件都可以用改革派,ayan和近衛軍三者的互動來解釋。當時的帝國本質上是在幾種秩序中進行探索,最終探索顯貴秩序的文件Deed of Alliance和19世紀後來改革的精神一脈相承,一係列地方上的新變化也促進瞭民族主義的崛起。這是難得的關於18世紀末19世紀初奧斯曼帝國的綜閤性研究。
評分主要是18,19世紀之交的奧斯曼改革,特彆是其間朝廷與地方的互動,和一般想象有很大差彆。本來我是要寫述評的,九月份還開瞭一個頭,但後來發現包稅體製和我之前的認識差異很大,所以鴿瞭很久,還是等知識儲備足夠以後再寫更閤適。 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/29694947
Partners of the Empire pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025