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Used and Rare pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
After years of competitive extravagance at birthday time, Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone decided to limit themselves to $20 each, which is how they came to be in possession of a $10 definitive translation of War and Peace, complete with maps of the major battles and fold-out color illustrations. It is also how they eventually came to be the owners of a $650 edition of Dickens's Martin Chuzzlewit. Used and Rare, the Goldstones' tale of the journey from point A to point B, is a joyful celebration of their love of books. Rare-book dealers are a quirky lot; while one might invite you to caress an Adventures of Tom Sawyer worth thousands, another might turn you away altogether for no apparent reason. The Goldstones' enthusiasm is infectious, and, besides offering a lesson in used-book parlance, the pair remind us that for every book there are at least two stories: the one between the covers, and the one beyond the covers.
Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone are both successful novelists. Lawrence Goldstone having won a New American Writing Award for his first novel. The Goldstones live in Westport, Connecticut.
寻觅到这本书其实也算是因缘际会——外出培训空隙,刚好在旁边有家书店,在书店的角落里看到了这本书。书名倒不是真正吸引我的地方,毕竟我也不算什么爱书之人,藏书更和我距十万八千里,真正吸引我的是副标题:书店漫游记。 书中以第一人称的角度讲述了戈德斯通...
评分对书籍有种天生的感情,似乎从小就知道那个我不能完全了解的世界。 从前的我以为世界上的书是看的完的,现在才知道自己阅读的书在书的海洋里只是一缕毫毛。微不足道。古代的现代的近代的,国内的国外的,中文的英文的拉丁文的各种书籍晃花了我的眼,在如此庞大的数学算式面前...
评分对于我本人来说,买书的乐趣丝毫不比阅读差,呵呵,一般我称自己买书为淘书。尤其是买到一套丛书或是一版一印的书籍时,非常的高兴,蛮喜欢这个“收藏”的过程。 所以当看到文中的某些片段,常常会心一笑,想必是天下爱书之人心有灵犀。整本书语言轻松幽默,也让...
评分不太会写评论,估计是微博玩多了的缘故,长一点的文字已经不像过去那么好了。 就像书封面上小标题写的那样,这是戈德斯通夫妇“旧书与珍本”书店漫游记,书里记述了他们俩逛书店的经历。与其说是漫游记,我更喜欢用“冒险之旅”这个词来形容他们俩逛书店的经历,期间充满着惊...
评分记不得什么时候开始买书。买书好像是一种习惯,习惯的事情很多都说不清缘由。 先是读书,一本一本的,然后零零散散的买书,买来就是自己的了。图书馆的书店的借来的偶尔别的地方看到的翻阅的都不是自己的,遇到喜欢的就想据为已有所以就要买来。有很多买书的故事沉淀下来没时间...
Used and Rare pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025