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Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child The Heart of Parenting pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Intelligence That Comes from the Heart Every parent knows the importance of equipping children with the intellectual skills they need to succeed in school and life. But children also need to master their emotions. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child is a guide to teaching children to understand and regulate their emotional world. And as acclaimed psychologist and researcher John Gottman shows, once they master this important life skill, emotionally intelligent children will enjoy increased self-confidence, greater physical health, better performance in school, and healthier social relationships. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child will equip parents with a five-step "emotion coaching" process that teaches how to: * Be aware of a child's emotions * Recognize emotional expression as an opportunity for intimacy and teaching * Listen empathetically and validate a child's feelings * Label emotions in words a child can understand * Help a child come up with an appropriate way to solve a problem or deal with an upsetting issue or situation Written for parents of children of all ages, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child will enrich the bonds between parent and child and contribute immeasurably to the development of a generation of emotionally healthy adults.
评分这本书的基调简单来说, 就是'理解万岁'. 无论是大人小孩, 在别扭的时候, 从正面讲道理是不行的, 先得从感性上让对方认识到, 你是理解他的行为的. 道理可以留到平静的时候讲. 觉得这一招可以化解无数矛盾哪. :-)
评分沒什麼新東西,還是 identify emotions, empathise, set limit, solve problem
评分沒什麼新東西,還是 identify emotions, empathise, set limit, solve problem
上周日,我和孩子爸带闺女去悠游堂玩。闺女眼巴巴地盯着挂在门口的旺旺队塑料球。玩够了,临走时还在门口伫立,仰望着那些旺旺队球。我给她买了一个,她好开心,回家路上一直拿着球。 因为那天下雨了,地上泥糊糊的。我和她爸要她拿好球,要是掉泥里,就要不了了。不幸的是,到...
评分最近读完了著名心理学者约翰•戈特曼所著的《培养高情商的孩子》这本书。 在读这本书前,我对如何培养高情商的孩子这个话题本身是没什么兴趣的,更想得到答案的反倒是这两个问题:什么是高情商?如果父母双方情商都很低,还有可能培养出高情商的孩子吗?第一个问题源于生活中...
评分“一想到为人父母居然不需要考试真是太可怕了。” 出于这样的担忧,趁着孩子刚满两岁,赶紧再读一些育儿类书籍。 选书上,两岁前,孩子小,除了把他喂饱,几乎不用考虑其他,所以要读育儿营养类。 两岁后,孩子有了自我意识,进入第一个叛逆期,需要读点育儿教育类。 也不是寻...
评分1.很多家长只是规范孩子的行为,并不理会孩子的情绪。其实错了,指导孩子的情绪、帮助孩子管理自己的情绪才是最关键的。 2.刚出生的婴儿、学龄前的孩子是非常需要家长关注自己、回应自己的。婴儿一出生就能够通过表情体态读懂父母的情感提示。如果家长积极回应,能够影响孩子神...
Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child The Heart of Parenting pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025