圖書標籤: 藝術 美學 艾柯 UmbertoEco 藝術史 文化 哲學 新文化史
On Ugliness pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In the mold of his acclaimed History of Beauty, renowned cultural critic Umberto Eco’s On Ugliness is an exploration of the monstrous and the repellant in visual culture and the arts. What is the voyeuristic impulse behind our attraction to the gruesome and the horrible? Where does the magnetic appeal of the sordid and the scandalous come from? Is ugliness also in the eye of the beholder? Eco’s encyclopedic knowledge and captivating storytelling skills combine in this ingenious study of the Ugly, revealing that what we often shield ourselves from and shun in everyday life is what we’re most attracted to subliminally. Topics range from Milton’s Satan to Goethe’s Mephistopheles; from witchcraft and medieval torture tactics to martyrs, hermits, and penitents; from lunar births and disemboweled corpses to mythic monsters and sideshow freaks; and from Decadentism and picturesque ugliness to the tacky, kitsch, and camp, and the aesthetics of excess and vice. With abundant examples of painting and sculpture ranging from ancient Greek amphorae to Bosch, Brueghel, and Goya among others, and with quotations from the most celebrated writers and philosophers of each age, this provocative discussion explores in-depth the concepts of evil, depravity, and darkness in art and literature.
Umberto Eco is a world-renowned writer of fiction, essays, and academic treatises and is undoubtedly one of the finest authors of our time. Among his best-selling novels are The Name of the Rose, Foucault’s Pendulum, The Island of the Day Before, and Baudolino.
基本靠看图。旁征博引扎实有趣。比如: “你能为我解释吗,我们大便的时候,为什么经常端详我们的排泄物?”伊索解释说:“从前有个国王的儿子,他因为生活安逸又奢华,大多时间坐在那里大便。有一回,他坐在那里,忘了自己在做什么,坐太久,把他的常识也给拉掉了。从那天起,...
評分 評分 評分在《美的历史》之后,艾柯再推新书,剖析世人对“丑”之成见,颠覆传统的审美观。《丑的历史》不是简单的图像集合,而是会聚了艾柯的美学思索。《丑的历史》举凡恐怖、受难、死亡、魔鬼、启示录、怪物、凶兆、诙谐、猥亵、巫术、撒旦主义、虐待狂、媚俗……无奇不有,无所不...
評分非常值得稱讚的是,質量很不錯! 很喜歡這本書的質地,手感很好,因為有一定的重量所以拿在手上的感覺很像在捧著一本百科全書, 裏面的插圖也有些出乎我的意外, 關於【醜的歷史】這本書裏面所講訴的有關資料與歷史, 我之前已閱讀過不少, 不過裏面的有些插圖我還是第一次看到...
On Ugliness pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025